
I love it! I hope they go back to producing clever advertisements like they used to.

To be honest, I love driving on the highway...its the people on the highway that suck.

Autobahn style speed limits. There's absolutely no reason why a perfectly flat, straight, and wide stretch of road in West Texas with no traffic needs the same speed limit as one just outside a major city with traffic and potholes and turns and hills. Stop acting like it does, Department of Transportation...

What a fucking travesty. And we sit here decrying military action in the Crimean peninsula, while our own gov't does whatever they want to their own citizens. Makes you wonder how much more a country full of people can take. Until you go to Wal-Mart, and find yourself overcome with a deep feeling of hopelessness and

And the reporter has eyes to see three trucks coming down the road and plowing.

Or maybe don't stand right next to the road for your little walk-and-talk, news guy.

Oh, you can pamper your passengers in Supple leather in your Laramie, King Ranch, High Country, 1794 interiors? Thats cute...


Dude, that's UNSPRUNG coke!

3. Forcing your way across multiple lanes to prove the point that the passing lane is for passing: idiotic a childish.

Or just throw the damn spark plug. Or the fucking hammer for that matter.

We have these in Tennessee, and nobody raises a fuss about them. This might sound cliché, but being proud of your Southern heritage does not mean that your are racist or condone slavery. Also, not all Southerners are racist, and not all racists live in the South.

You may be the only person on the planet cross-shopping an STi and a Mustang.

I would imagine it's less about sidewalks, helmets, etc. and more about a general lack of concern and responsibility in the third world. No established driving norms, no accountability for your actions if you cause a wreck.

"putting women in front of your product is pretty gross"