More than 30% of the freshman class at Harvard University had one or more relatives attend before them. That should…
More than 30% of the freshman class at Harvard University had one or more relatives attend before them. That should…
H/T the King Adrock in Body Movin’ for the inspiration.
Lol, I love how stupid AND haughty you are. It’s an awesome combination.
There is no hope for a party that has to hide from its constituents. The idea that socialism and profitable corporations are antithetical is a canard powered by American greed, but the centrist seemed to have swallowed it whole, along with falsehood that protecting the rights of the marginalized, so called “identity”…
This is incorrect. The tackle was clean. The defender is playing football here, man.
Chop tackle? Are you mixing up chop block with tackling? Football is a violent game and players will legally tear tendons and break bones without breaking it’s rules.
I understand that you seem to be a big Giants fan or at least a big OBJ fan, but come the fuck on man.
Well, he can’t go high, where’s he supposed to hit him?
The current DNC has been exposed as utterly inept and deeply corrupt. They stumbled upon Bill Clinton and Barack Obama completely by accident and have desperately clung to them ever since.
With respect, I’m fairly certain that neither party will continue to exist in its current iteration for very much longer, for the very simple reason that “right” and “left” have as much political valence today as the parties’ position on the Kansas-Nebraska Act.
Like most of America, I’ve had a week. Whereas Charlottesville, Va., touched off a week of necessary discussions,…
After uniting with Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller and Betsy DeVos to form the Trump administration’s version of the…
I mean we did just make a fucking grifter President.
I can’t believe so many folks can be so willingly conned.
He looks every bit as fit and fast as Mayweather. Conor will be fully trained. Mayweather is asleep in under a minute.
In terms of overall talent Lebron might have it over Kobe. But if it’s game 7 of the finals and I’m down 10 at halftime I would take Kobe over Lebron to pull out the victory and that matters more. Lebron has no clutch gene and no killer instinct. It’s why he is constantly talked about as being soft. And why he only…
Are you telling me economic theories drunkely doodled on the back of cocktail napkins aren’t a sound basis for running a government? If so, how do you explain all the amazing success Kansas is having with Laffer as an economic adviser?
It’s a good thing for the investor class, and a bad thing for the working class. And since the investor class is already the class at the top of the heap, I’m much more interested in helping the working class.