
I hate people too. Especially assholes that try to tell anyone else how to live.

How the fuck do I keep ending up on the Root? Damn you Kinja! I’ll see myself out now.

Vocabulary lessons from The Root?

$42,000 for 96 KBs of crappy data and a manual. Makes sense.

Ignore the Root. Every writer on there is straight up racist. It’s a site made to turn people racist period.

Try this.

There were only 138,846,571 ballots counted . I don’t vote. I can already imagine the counter arguments to not voting ;)

LOL. Please there are 320 million easily manipulated idiots in the US.

He is stupid. So is anyone that voted for him period. Just think. We have 50 million easily manipulatable idiots in the US. 

Well when you have as much cut content sitting around as Destiny had I guess It’s pretty easy to dip into the recycling bin and whip out something new for people to pay for.

I still think Bethesda is just making excuses.

You need to do your research. The word your are looking for is sadist.

Well that answers what a whole Diglett looks like...