Good luck trying the 8k. Im on gigabit internet and decent pc. PC is like nope. 4k looks great though.
Good luck trying the 8k. Im on gigabit internet and decent pc. PC is like nope. 4k looks great though.
No talent hack that cant stop saying her stupid name or the fact she brags about being a hoe. Rap is dead. It died long ago.
No talent hack that cant stop saying her stupid name or the fact she brags about being a hoe. Rap is dead. It died long ago.
Quit posting this stuff. Anytime the game gets fun or you find a faster way to level you guys ruin it because Bungie will rush to fix this.
Thank Bungie for this shit. They were some of the first to hone in on exploiting players time. They did it by hiring unethical psychiatrist. I have OCD and it truly pisses me off. Luckily Beyond Light is garbage so after 3500 hours in the series I said fuck this scumbag game and company
The remake looks too easy. Watered down combat.
$70 for a pretty, but obviously watered down Demon Souls. No thanks. Rather fire up PS3 and play the real version warts and all. Disappointing.
100 times better than the infamous Verge build.
I deactivated long ago myself, but not until I took every post, comment, like, and everything else down by using an automated script. Even doing that it took a few months to completely wipe because Facebook will try to keep you on by undeleting stuff. I think it took 3 or 4 months to completely ghost my account. It…
Ad Block Plus and Blur tracker blocker does a good job at blocking a lot on desktop. Adblock Plus makes it way more tolerable. Depending on your mobile browser just ad more ad blockers.
Mine was quiet. I just keep my vents blown out with a DataVac.
She can use bricks. I'm playing on normal or lower difficulty and I've been using bricks.
I would be excited if we could import PS3 saves. Pointless to me otherwise. If they did that Id happily start new game plus at level 712. Don’t think that’s gonna happen though. Glad other people get play it though.
It would be nice if people quit reporting shit like this. Now it will be nerfed. They will probably nerf it before they fix sprint and movement. You should have reported on that because it completely ruined the one good thing left. This always leads to stupid streamers getting to use weapon at its funnest then nerfed.
Bungie should do this, but they are too lazy and stupid to figure it out. Then again I think they are deliberately trying to kill the game.
The Handsome Collection is free on Epic right now until the June 4th. ;)
Bungie should take notes.
StoneMountain the Game.
Whats the big deal? Mario bros have been eating shrooms forever. Why are people still using Facebook anyways?