

A lot of the argument, thoufh , is not that it would negatively impact large companies or their consumers...but smaller business not exempt. So...how much cost us handed down to the consumer at these smaller businesses?

I’m going to flip the script on this one and tell a story about how I was kind of a dick to a celebrity because hey...they’re just like normal people.

Okay, this is kind of a great list, especially for this ranking:

I'm loving that NPH and Burtka are central here. ;-)

So wait...I'm still confused. Where's my hoverboard?

I thought this was already a show.

"I think it's fairly easy to tell via nonverbal cues when someone is actively and consciously consenting to sex, but that's just my experience."

I wouldn't feel too sorry. First, I'm planning on seeing the movie, and still enjoy the story - I just won't be paying for it. Second, there's a big difference between having objectionable beliefs and advocating that those beliefs be imposed through law (which is what Card does). I refuse to spend money on

File under "inevitable" and "wish I had thought of it first."

"we would happily watch a "Vastra Investigates" spin-off web series."

That's fine. I'm able to enjoy the work as well. I just refuse to pay for it...and I think that many people who are unaware of Card's pretty vocal positions would tend to, let's say, "wait for it to come out on cable" rather than see any movie of his in the theater if they found out.


I won't necessarily be "skipping" it...I just won't be paying for it.

I'm actually not trying to make other people feel that I'm morally superior. Your examples in the end are a bit ridiculous, as my position is one that actually supports inclusion while the ones you mention support exclusion of other groups....

I'd be more excited about this if it weren't for the fact that Orson Scott Card is such a raging homophobe.

I can see my house from here!

I am officially wearing my giddy anticipation pants.