
1. Flying Apaches

It could have, but they are just pigs...too little to get emotionally invested in. But they taste good.

As someone who was working for Lockheed Martin, at the same facility where LCS was developed, it really makes me sad that what you see is what you think the LCS was originally supposed to be. Requirements changes (from the Navy, mind you) drove significant design changes late in development (like almost every other

Because, unlike the Russian corvettes, these are emphatically *not* meant to attack a carrier battle group. LCS exists so that all the billion dollar warships can be tasks solely to missions that need their abilities. You don’t need an AEGIS system to hunt pirates, perform humanitarian support or let a coastal nation

That’s just like, your opinion, man.

I'm pretty sure they were serving bacon in the galley the next morning.

USS America should’ve painted the pigs with numbers 1, 2, and 4. Leave the Kennedy crew looking for pig 3.

Another 9/11 related story: Here in Chicago I heard one and knew immediately what it was. F-16 flying CAP intercepted an airliner that reported an in-flight disturbance. Turned out to be a mentally handicapped adult who panicked but otherwise didn’t do anything. News reporters interviewed a passenger who said she was


I put on headphones before watching that video. I am now deaf.

Why do people feel the need to troll like that and to create troll accounts like that? What’s going on in their lives? Why are they shitty people?

You live up to your name

I was stationed there for 7 years and wandered in there during my patrols quite a few times. An engineer took me in to see the ford folks testing their new models in -40F. Pretty cool seeing a bunch of people from Michigan making the trek to FL for cold weather testing. He also told me a story about how he called the

Pinto wagon. You know the one, with the bubble window. Can’t unsee.

It's war, you can shoot them anywhere

Where does the airplane end and the icicles begin?


Quality Assurance will write you a “Direct Safety Violation” or DSV, and you’ll be in front of the Maintenance Group Commander for a snowball. Ask me how I know.