
This is ridiculous. The streaming platforms are always to blame? Spotify on average pays artists $0.006 per stream. Going by that rate Portishead made $204,000. How does $204,000 turn into $2000? Besides that, Spotify doesn't even pay artists per stream they pay a percentage of revenue based on that artist's

I think what you're doing is smart. Artists need to establish standards and not just be desperate for anybody to listen. At the same time, I don't think streaming really takes anything away. I don't know anybody that buys music that would choose to stream on Spotify over buying. They use Spotify to sample new music,

Nobody I know uses Spotify either. My lady hates it and all other streaming platforms. Most of the people I know either buy or use Pandora.

There are over 4 million songs on Spotify that have never been streamed. It is not a place where artists can get heard so it's hardly a place you "need" to have your music. If you were talking about Soundcloud or Youtube then yeah but Spotify, Rdio, Deezer, Tidal, etc. do nothing to help artists get heard so I can't