Also the party that wants government out of our family business, wants to tell you if you can have an abortion, tell you what books your kids can read in school, wants to tell you what storytime you can decide to take your kids to...
Also the party that wants government out of our family business, wants to tell you if you can have an abortion, tell you what books your kids can read in school, wants to tell you what storytime you can decide to take your kids to...
I pulled this off ABC’s coverage. It’s partially a copout, but he isn’t incorrect about the need for continued services being made available to women and families (although the “drug addiction” feels like he is making either a race or class slight).
It’s so odd to me that the Party that favors leaving things to the States needs the government to ban things. So odd.
Jezebel’s clownishly far-left approach is what got Trump elected once already. Did you guys take bets that you could make a Republican win again?
I’m actually curious. What did Chris Christie say about abortion?
So if you’re pregnant & palestinian (and subject to child marriage/rape and pro-life dictums), Jezebel will respect your gender and call you a Pregnant Woman...but anywhere else, you’re de-gendered and de-feminized as only a “pregnant person”. So I guess that means there is no queer/non-binary people in Palestine.…
Why are the surrounding Arab countries not coming to their aid and opening their borders and welcoming them as refugees?
Why don’t we ask what Hamas thinks of a woman’s right to education/abortion or LGBTQ issues?
Jezebel is a repulsive cesspool of Israel hate that didn’t even have the decency to report on the mass killing and raping and hostage taking on October 7. The same people that call misgendering they/them college kids VIOLENCE ignore ACTUAL extreme violence when it’s against Israelis. This site belongs in Gaza where…
Just think: if social media existed during World War II like now, we would’ve lost.
Yes, we all know how Hamas are champions for women's rights...
Once they’re conquered by Israel they’ll have access to all the modern medicine of the first world.
A lot of women HERE undergo c-sections with no anesthesia. If it’s an actual emergency or too late in the delivery process, that’s normal.
Israel is the only real democracy in the region, not to mention the only country that treats women or gays like human beings. These people have no claim to a state, that land was Britain’s to give away. They are harassing a minority group that has been CONSTANTLY harassed for millennia. That whole region is Arab…
Funny that Rashida Tlaib dont give a fuck about it either
You want sympathy? Man, some of us POC have real problems and yet I am praying for you.....
Man, you are messed up! What did your parents do to you? Hope you got therapy. I have said a prayer for you.....
You are describing perfectly the experience of growing up. With maturity comes the new perspective that the world isn’t about you. Other people have lives and thoughts more real than your own perception of them. Shedding the scales of youthful narcissism is wonderfully liberating. I’m glad you have had the opportunity.
What a bunch of navel-gazing nonsense.