
Unfortunately, the Constitution does not agree with your bigoted view.

Pregnancy can be biologically successful for a 12 year old.  It can never be socially successful.  The issue is which version of Successful you support.

So people who spend half a million on their education and 12 plus years of their prime working for your benefit should be rejected because they don’t follow your advice?

You cannot sue doctors for sticking to the standard of care.

As a physician I would not take on any patinet who live streamed visits.

The doctor following standards of care should not be your targert.

A doctor is not your slave.

As a physician, I would not treat any patient who live streams our visits.

Whoopi is right in that any medical procedure should only concern the provider and the patient.  She is wrong in that you can’t have other people’s religions govern your rights, you also can’t expect other people to support your rights against their conscience.  Pay for own choices.

Forgive the loans of victims of sexual violence?  Sure, if you forgive the loans of all victims of violence of any kind.  Also the loans of those who suffer psychological trauma of any kind.  Also the loans of those injured physically and mentally.

You cite a paper from ACOG that does not support your contention that any number of weeks can determine viability. Viability is a standard best determined by doctors trained in the field, not legislators. The earliest fetus who survived for any length of time was “born” at 20 weeks.  Please do not use medical

They are cops to enforce laws.  Not parenting failures.

Why didn’t the “dad” keep his child from the internet?

It’s pretty simple and straightforward to ask the dad why is he calling cops when he can’t keep his daughter safe?

Please look up HIPPA before citing that law.

Keep you kids out of the busy street?

Don’t argue with how a neighbor uses his property.

I hope her parent does his job.

The correct response is to parent your child.  There is no agency to call.

The police cannot help you parent.  This episode demonstrates the truth obvious to all except this poor father.  Hope he learned a valuable lesson.