

Looks like someone had fun with the Saints Row Create-a-character mode!

Yep. Society needs satire. I think your train of though helps explain why.

Must have been using the Dragon Ball Z Time Scale.

Last known photo of Phasma’s quarry, Lieutenant Sol Rivas.

I overheard someone talking a few hours ago and someone said something similar. Then someone asked “Do Hurricanes go as far north as PA, Ohio and Michigan by chance?” the guy replied “No, but God will deal with them in February”

...or... you’re what’s causing all this universe-wide damage!

Yeah they seem to break something new every day.

It used to be pending but now it just shows the approved commenters only but yes you’re right the comment system is rough.

That’s Trump’s America for you. Greys are out first. Browns next.

That is my all time favorite ICP line, and as you mention, they are always hilarious when they stop the rap to point out how batshit stupid a previous lyric was.

The quoted song does have an admittedly funny moment in “He’ll eat Monopoly and shit out Connect Four”, followed by them arguing over how stupid that line is. The song as a whole is grating and repetitive (shocking, innit?), but I did always like that bit.

I think you’ve covered the headlines for the next few days.

Update: Florida Man is now cooking meth on roof, hold off on the rescue.

Update, Florida man has now set roof on fire, needs faster rescue.

God damn it Florida Man, you had ONE job

Florida Man refuses to evacuate, now stranded on roof, needing rescue