
Blame Hillary, her supporters, and the DNC. They divided the party so much that we won’t be winning again for a while.

He looks more hungover or drunk.

People still love hip hop? Are you a hipster trying to be retro?

Where’d everyone go though?

I’m sure they have something well informed and thought out to say on the subject. Just like that porn game Mass Effect and that gay planet in Star Wars TOR.

She is. But she’s still rich and powerful and living well with the Republican comforts she helped to get while everyone else is fucked, so she doesn’t care. She’s looking to split the party more for profit.

Wrong. Her, her supporters, and the DNC deserve the blame. All this is their fault. They pushed voters away with attacks, harassment, lies, and slander all while they acted like they didn’t need support because they already won. And she and the DNC did cheat in the primary, and they did work to help get Trump to win

Hillary and her supporters ran off all those people with harassment, attacks, lies, and slander all while saying they didn’t need those people and celebrating like they already won, up until they didn’t, then they started blaming everything on Bernie and his supporters. That’s the consequences of acting that way, you