
To me, kids can play anywhere they want and that’s fine -- except the little shit who used to climb the trees on the easement constantly, breaking branches and being a nuisance, and saying her daddy told her that it was the city property so she can do whatever she wants. F that kid and her daddy. — but can they just

As my 15-year-old son says, “Baby Boomer’ is a generation; ‘Boomer’ is an attitude.”

I love receiving wine, but guess all my friends are rude...

Given the accelerated melting of the Arctic, these poor animals are likely to be extinct within my lifetime. You’ll excuse me if I don’t find that very calming.

Never had one and don’t want one. I prefer to be cordial and professional but not give any details on my personal life. I just stay in my office and work away and sign a card when it’s someone’s birthday, funeral, etc. When 5:00 hits, I’m out the door. If I quit, I’d never speak to any of them ever again. I’ve been

As a security expert that has been cited in and written for Lifehacker, Gawker, Gizmodo, Q&A and Evil Week, I would highly recommend you don’t do this unless you have very good reasons.

I have a better calculator: Take the EARLY SS BENEFITS IF: 1) You don’t expect your QUALITY of life to last much longer (because of family history, health problems, etc.); 2) You do expect Republicans to gut the safety net.

Completely unrelated:

This is just wrong. Backing up and copying work files to an external hard drive or cloud service (confidential or not) could be considered data theft. What work you do at the company, is owned by the company- not you. You are not entitled to ‘back up’ and copy it without explicit written permission.

Counterpoint: Animals are individuals, and they behave in ways that aren’t always the same as others.

Nope, nope, nope.  In nature, cats eat only when they catch prey.  They may often go days without catching anything and when to do catch something they eat as much as they possibly can because they don’t know when they will get their next meal.  This is the way it is for ALL predators.  So, they are naturally set up

The title is “How to Make Sure Your Vote Is Counted”.

As much as they complain service people like waiters wouldn’t want it any other way. As it stands, whenever a restaurant raises prices that theoretically is a raise for them. And it goes directly into their pocket. They don’t have to share it in the form of taxes to pay for public services like the rest of us. Not to

It’s really frustrating how service workers defend the tipping system when alternatives that include vacation/PTO, sick time, steady wages, 401(k)s, etc., you know, the trappings of regular jobs, are presented.  I understand the allure of cash in the pocket is strong, but it’s difficult to be very sympathetic when we

I don’t know how their test ended up, but here’s what Mythbusters and research by a professional driving instructor (me) has come up with.

Nah... The average movie ticket price in the US is still under $10. So unless you think that every city that’s not New York, LA, or Chicago is a “backwater,” that’s not accurate.

I’m 40 and I still do that.

Disagree. I work in an office with 20 women, most of which are 50 or older. Apps like “battery saver” and weather programs and, yes, all sorts of loud obnoxious games are prominently displayed on all their phones. How do I know this? As a Millennial, I have to fix their phones every day.

I leave the DND sign up because I prefer they stay out. It’s not that I am hiding anything, I would just prefer they not come in, and I don’t need the service. I realize it’s not a legally binding contract. In all the many, many hotels I have stayed at, I have never come back to find my room clean when I left the DND

If 7 out of 10 people get sick from X, the other 3 people aren't proof that getting sick doesn't occur....