lol seattle's number 1 because it doesn't really care. sorta like *shrug* whatever
lol seattle's number 1 because it doesn't really care. sorta like *shrug* whatever
Given japan's tolerance of any level of intoxication, this is interesting and probably a result of influence of western ideas that being impaired to an obvious point is something to be ashamed of. Japan's general belief that everyone is good but may just step out of line should keep this from getting too out of hand.…
This would be great as long as they don't add full size people.
lol it looks like a japanese mascot
Yes you do need it. it's even better with milk
lol this makes the US look like such a mess for LGBA
My father wanted to name me Gizmo or Stinker
wait, so this incorporates real world coordinates into gameplay?
I looks like a mini FJ cruiser! It's just such a happy car! simply beholding it is joyous
What's your view on separation of sexual needs from family obligation?
taking in the scale of your ignorance of the terms of content to context of acceptance of immigrants in japan and how Japanese society and culture change is nauseating and frankly, quite depressing. your floundering understanding was amusing, good day.
your "immigrant" car is as applicable as using a punch card from your local ice cream parlor for an ATM machine.
lol thank you for further demonstrating your understanding. keep digging at face value
That is an extremely touchy subject. both of you are the wrong type of shitstirring.
so many pieces here... gender identity obviously paints a target on a student. an unnoticed or smooth transition i would assume would not cause much trouble but would mean not acknowledging a trans- tag or label. LGBT historically accepted to the same degree as extramarital relations keeping family and a clockwork…
chasing a subject that does not want to be photographed is disrespectful and abusive. Insisting that this is acceptable behavior for a professional photographer is extremely insulting.
WTF? It's people like this that give photographers a bad name. Seriously, respect your subject, not bully it. Jason Thorgalsen seems to be like Terry Richardson for cars. If it's his "job" to harass other drivers and instigate road rage then he's still a shithead for accepting that.
lulwut? ventress would be like 80 years old
How far off is the next step in dating sims? geographically sensitive, virtual girls or guys that show up for a period of time but disappear if you don't do anything, a real time constantly changing dating sim?
looking her up and down was kinda creepy but text looks perfect for practicing reading comprehension.