nope not feeling it. can't judge a game by concept art.
nope not feeling it. can't judge a game by concept art.
I don't what you guys are pulling from it but I just see a kid summarizing their time in my aunts pre-k dance modern dance class. Props for twisting the kids words though.
Angry annnnd obsessed with a western masculinee image... good job adding more lables. I didn't think there was enough before.
lol kotaku clickbait. info doesn't line up with updates for shit
While I have no credentials so to say in this heres my 2 cents based on my observations and positive interactions with such communities. While the existence of queer, trans, or other similar factions does not define a culture, the thin line, I believe is when it becomes a defining aspect or identity. As "safe" areas…
Though none of those flavors sound groundbreaking, I applaud doritos for selling completely blind flavors to a market that thrives on predictability and "make it your way"-ness
It's not a bad video or dance and I never said it was. spontaneous kitchen dancing and the most perfect pure performances are equally great and things I can appreciate. being slathered with and whored as clickbait can ruin or remove the value from anything though. It would be better posted with no caption or title.
I'm sorry I expected better from a site published in the language of click bait. heres to the next cute ______ dancing _______ that will OMG melt your heart.
0 stars. do not post again. I do sometimes enjoy SYTYCD. I do not enjoy people undereducated in the field of dance spontaneously whoring random dance videos with overly excited attached captions.
you missed "clannad" and "crying out love in the center of the world"
Game: N.U.D.E @ Natural Ultimate Digital Experiment
whats wrong with canned fish? looks like the same type I get.
I drove a p2 v70r for 150k miles and is one car I'd take over anything else.
I was disappointed. Then again, depth, insight and wisdom, earn my respect for a series over structure, pacing, or how balanced the building blocks of a story are.
Does this mean you and your trolly, whiny, clickbait as a stain on public restroom know as the internet will finally crumble away to ash?
This is the best new trend. having the screen floating/disconnected/separate give them a more old fashioned feeling that dampens the "I AM THE FUTURE! EMBEDDED ALL UP IN YOUR CAR" of integrated screens