
Why are the front air intakes fake? Why design it to look like an air intake in the first place? Isn’t the purpose of the GTR that every piece is functional?

From beak faced to bleak faced... amiright

Kung Fury the sequel - Volks Fumy


Looks like a crazy frat party

Would the rear tail lights still light up if that happened?

Option 1 hasn’t worked well for GTR owners. They’d park at the back of the parking lot and someone would still park next to them. As if to make a point.

It never used to be that way. They used to bash the hell out of Tesla.

If he knew anything about this company at all... This company is literally the opposite of vaporware. They make and sell shit, and are profitable.

They’ve been profitable since 2013, and profitable every year since.

They’re making 991 of them. You should be able to succeed at stealing at least one of them.

Good to know. For some reason I can't edit my post with this update.

No shit. They're gonna be huge.

Don’t forget, Rimac provides the electric motors and battery for the Regera.

Is it still there? I’d love to go see it.

More like this.

Have you ever seen the C8 Aileron Interior? It’s even a step up above this interior with churned aluminum dash.

Any word on pricing?