
Nope. They’re all imperialist mass murderers.

It truly is an abhorrent series. And I can’t even stomach those interviews with the game directors who say, “We’re not trying to be political” with a straight face.

It really is pretty amazing how many different kinds of graphs you can look at and say “Oh hey, see that section right there, where the lines go bad? That’s Reagan/Thatcher!”

How lucky you were to not be in Nicaragua!

Eh, I think it’s ultimately a positive thing that Miles Morales is on both PS4 and PS5. I mean, more people getting to access more things is, in general, a good thing. I’m glad Demon’s Souls exists as the marque “NEXT GEN” game, but I don’t have big problems with other titles being cross-gen.

There’s really no correlation in terms of the timeline. There were big game file sizes at the beginning of the generation (I believe Killzone Shadowfall was in the 70's of gigabytes) and there were games with AMAZING load times at the end of the generation (Ghost of Tushima).

I’d say the leap from loading screens to basically no loading screens is a pretty big deal. Obviously nothing will rival the jump from 2D to 3D, because what could, but having everything so instantaneously accessible is pretty incredible.

Sorry but Demon’s Souls on PS5 sort of shatters this whole argument. As someone who’s had a PS4 Pro for a couple years, it’s absolutely mind-blowing. Youtube videos really don’t do any justice to the experience of playing a game with that level of detail and advanced lighting at a silky smooth 60fps. When I first

Saying that the existence of stats and choices that the artists themselves intentionally put into the game somehow negates the existence and validity of artistic vision is a pretty strange stance to take. 

One more thing: I do find it a bit funny that we are so often complaining about video games being so samey (same open world fetch quests, same military FPS, oh look, yet another battle royale, etc, etc...) and we moan about how everything seems to be made for the lowest common denominator and nothing has a strong ident

The gamer bro who gets all pissed off about easy modes because it somehow tarnishes their own sense of superiority is indeed a special kind of toxic idiot.

My stance on this has always been that games should always have difficulty options in general UNLESS the entire artistic vision of the creators hinges on the experience being challenging.

They really fucked up the stealth and the combat in this game. The stealth in Origins and Odyssey worked great, I have no idea why they tuned it so weird this time where enemies spot me SO easily. And the combat man... the combat is just dull as all hell. Just hammering away at dudes with heavy attack until they die.

Change the damn trophy list to be vertical again instead of those awful horizontal cards.

It’s really quite obvious why quick resume is actually better...

Yeah I’m bummed about it on a personal level but I’m not furious at Sony or anything; as you said, there are so many issues that you just can’t detect until you have hundreds of thousands of people using your product. At least I bought Miles Morales digitally, which means I’m able to play it on PS4 while I wait for my

Yeah I was able to enjoy my PS5 for two hours  before I started getting crashes that eventually got so bad that I can’t even use the thing; just sitting on the main menu will get me a crash within a couple minutes. I’ve rebuilt the database in safe mode and done a full factory reset but the problem only seems to be

Yeah I wouldn’t encourage anyone to pre-order just based on one game, though it is a nice icing on the cake. My main interest in the console was being able to play basically everything at 60fps.

Everyone knows exactly what it means so it doesn’t matter much. But yes, good point.

Definitely agree on the UI stuff. Basically the only thing I like better about the new UI is how much faster it is and some of the little animations are nice. REALLY not a fan of so many menu items being on big-ass cards, and there are way too many things that are tucked away in weird places for no good reason. Having