
Going out on a limb here and saying that CDPR seems bad!

It’s... not trying to be Game Pass...

Hollow Knight is fantastic

You don’t have to build bases... If you just want to be a wandering explorer you can totally do that.

This kind of thing is honestly so much of why I’m excited for the new consoles. New exclusives are the bread and butter, of course, but seeing how older games that I love will be updated to run and look better is really fun for tech nerds like me.

Yeah I seriously don’t understand why he doesn’t just swap it with the Xbox One.

The new Little Big Planet game is a launch title, so there’s some more whimsy at least haha

And the speaker on the controller has always been annoying as hell to me.”

Very happy I got the Digital Edition; on an aesthetic level it just looks so, so much better.

The white plastic “plates” are super easy to detach and third party companies are already making swappable plates that are different colors, so that’s a plus.

A recent game that I found surprisingly unnerving was Control. Roaming that stark brutalist architecture with all that horrifying audio design was shockingly creepy and uncomfortable.

Gonna go out on a limb and point out that the PS5 launch lineup is still actually decent for a console launch, especially when you compare it to the PS4. Remember that thing? Killzone Shadowfall, Knack, and Resogun. That’s what you got in terms of exclusives (okay Resogun was actually pretty dope). And since the thing

Imagine if someone made one of these live service looter games that actually learned from previous games in the genre. That would really be something.

Never been a fan of UI design that uses big ass cards and panels. I’ll get used to it, just wish there wasn’t so much wasted space. I’ve always found the PS4 UI totally intuitive at a glance, but this feels cluttered when I first look at it.

Yeah... the whole “This will be really cool for a few days and then I’ll never touch it again” aspect of this is pretty glaring.

Yeah, definitely my most anticipated feature for sure.

I just need to run Escalation Protocol to get those sweet, sweet warmind-themed armor sets before Mars goes away so I can have them for when transmog arrives.

No it doesn’t, I’m not sure why Insomniac has done it that way. But the PS5 natively lets you transfer saves from PS4, so yes, it is up to the dev.

The game save situation is up to the developers, it’s not inherent to how PS5 does BC.

So we can safely say now that the PS5 is, for nearly all intents and purposes, fully backwards compatible with PS4. Nice.