
What about Watch Dogs 1 levels of ludonarrative dissonance? The game where you’re a hero vigilante who constantly spies on citizens and murders random thugs.

So you just go and murder a whole camp one night and show up to herbology the next morning and everyone’s just okay? Fine not to have a morality system as they are rarely implemented interestingly enough to warrant their inclusion, but this will easily surpass GTA IV levels of ludonarrative dissonance. 

Spores still existing, but not being an active threat usually, fits with our interaction with fungi in the real world. Our lungs are really good at fighting off spores - we’re constantly inhaling them - they only generally become a threat if your immune system is compromised.

Our immune systems *aren’t* great at

Although the in-universe is echolocation, it’s also acted as the video-game plays notification that there was one in the immediate area. Without that audio cue, it would be impossible to know one was in the usually dark area. Also had the added benefit making the player tense and uneasy, knowing they would have to be

I suppose we see what we want to see. I still feel like she was a badass and that what they have been doing is trying to up the level of fear felt for the infected over certain scenes in the show (both Joel and Tess seem MUCH more apprehensive about running into infected than in the game). The way she handled herself

Microsoft only had a net income of $72.7B for 2022, so I can see how they just couldn’t possibly afford to keep those people employed.

Maybe if Phil had cleared out the cruft at the top of 343 preventing all the talented people from making their games faster and better (how many false starts did Infinite have? at least 2...), the game wouldn’t have been so expensive. Maybe if he pushed for a less exploitive monetization system, it would’ve pulled in

If they have $70 billion to spend on Activision, then they have $70 billion to spend on current employees.

This just screams Krieger from Archer...

Given how Yoshi-P turned around FFXIV, I think if anyone can turn out a good Final Fantast game, it’s him. Even still, I am really only just cautiously optimistic.

Square in the mid to late 90s was also just a very different company.

Fuck me for wanting to give you my money for a game on a platform I already own that has shown it as a platform is interested in JRPGs especially of the scale and scope that FFXVI is likely to be. 

Exclusivity sucks (even the ones that might benefit me)

Hmmph... sound like his ‘seed’ went down ‘somebodys’ throat in Miami, IJS!

How can you be a relationship guru without doing your homework? 

sure is a lot of not videogame content lately. videogame adjacent, sure.

I would like approximately 100% more fun Souls-y lightsaber fighting and approximately 100% less terrible, unfun, parkour bullshit.

I loved both God of War and Horizon, but I would actively pay to never have to slowly shimmy alongside a wall or look for the highlighted handholds to laboriously scale one ever, ever

The story beats were good, but the actual execution of the story was a big whiff.

Come on, the story campaign for Star Wars Battlefront 2 was good.

Was Fallen Order actually good or just good compared to the rest of EA’s Star Wars output? I thought the gameplay was a passable souls-like, but the story was like watching paint dry. Cal has to be the most bland video game protagonist in recent history and that’s really saying something.

It’s the same argument video games went through over a decade ago—and which we have collectively just shrugged and moved on from—when people found out the DLC they were buying was already on the disc they bought.