
It's cool you enjoy the game but calling the PS4 generation "old" isn't telling the whole story. They promised that the game would run similarly on PS4 to the next generation and that's just...not true. I've got the PS4 hard copy, disabled all the visual options that suck up processing and it STILL is hard to look at

I think the best way to strengthen Dreams as a platform is to make it as widespread and accessible as possible. If it wasn’t PS exclusive, I’d say it was the ideal Game Pass game, but maybe the closest possibility is that it should be added to the PS Plus Collection or preloaded onto PS5s like Astro’s Playroom. That

It’s the same as “Kotaku reports”. It’s a shorthand for the publication, pretty standard for any journalistic reference. The author itself is named only if relevant, past employment or not, or if somehow it breaks with the publisher stance.

I really wish Jason didn’t write behind a Paywall. I miss his stuff so much.

Is this a thing now at GMG? That ex-reporters are now dead to the company?

Yeah, it’s weird that Jason wasn't mentioned once.

“Bloomberg writes.”

I have a question, and I’m not trying to be sarcastic or judgemental; why do people play GTA Online? From what I’ve seen and read about it, it’s full of hackers, sub par graphics, and less than stellar gameplay. Perhaps that’s just a small portion of the actual game, but do people who play GTA online actually have fun

I remember when the big Xbox 360 ban wave happened for modded consoles, and they all ended up at Gamestop. Good times. /s

Holy crap, you get a star for that last sentence. Amazing.

The PS4 definitely has build quality issues. My PS4 has been getting crazy loud for nearly as long as I’ve owned it. The machine seems to eat thermal paste like hummus. I’ve had mine professionally repaired once, just to replace the thermal paste and give everything a once over. It helped for a while, but it didn’t

I’m staggering my purchases too but just in the opposite way. Bought a PS4 at launch, skipped the Pro and am back for PS5. If they do a half-step upgrade this gen I will probably skip that too.

I’m getting at launch because I don’t want to play miles morales and valhalla on my 2013 ps4. not like they would be a bad experience, but i don’t see a reason not to get it. if the worst part is the user interface, that is fine with me

If I learned anything from the eighth generation of consoles, it’s that within a year or two Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo are all going to release upgraded versions of the Series X, PS5 and Switch.”

I get what you’re saying about exclusives, but I gotta have me some Demon’s Souls, Bloodborne, Last of Us, and God of War. Missing out on those is a deal breaker for me.

I know this is Kotaku, so lots of people have every console ever and seven PCs lying around, but it bugs me when I hear people talk about “lack of exclusives” for Xbox because the PC version exists. Not everyone plays games on PC. So, if it’s on PC and Xbox, you might as well consider it an “exclusive.” In terms of

How is it a bad thing that they’ve used 2 (GREAT) seasons to lead up to where the comics begin? That means we should now be able to expect a potential for 5 seasons! This is GOOD.

At least they said on screen that someone tried drowning but it didn’t work. Whether that suspends your disbelief is up to you.

Billy Butcher is deviously charming,

I saw on a Reddit thread that the show is overly reliant on the good guys using blackmail to stop people way more powerful than them from doing bad shit and it’s so true. Think about just S2, Starlight blackmails her friend to get her Compound V then later extorts A-Train to stay silent with her knowledge of him