
I’m missing something, what’s particularly bad about #FNAF fans? I’ve played many game and had kids call me nigger and IFUXURMOMZ all the time. What makes them worse than say, CoD or Overwatch broz?

As did I, let alone a THQ that could buy other companies.

Also Welcome to Kotaku! You’ve been a wonderful addition to team and remind me of the old days, when all the writing expressed your hunger and curiosity .

Because I didn’t play much Doom or any COD IW, how does the gunplay stack up to Destiny? Which I consider to be the tightest FPS on the market.

I’d just like to agree with comment and continue my one man crusade in shaming Square for not re-releasing FF VII Crisis Core.

I truly thought I was the only one who loved this game. I believed in Sega and day the dreamcast died was a sad one. That’s even knowing that the OG Xbox was essentially DC 2.

Meanwhile they can’t even rerelease FF Crisis Core which is the reason half of us bought the vita in the first place.

Hey Stephen,

Addition through subtracting.

If I’ve only seen the movies, do i have to start at the beginning or can I just pick up the story?

Us Guardians are a loyal bunch, Destiny makes the DLC top 10 list 2x.

I’m getting ready to clear out my backlog, should I start with this or The Witcher 3? I have ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain already

Ideally, would it be better to just dedicate a full room for vr? Like my home office or our guest bedroom? I’m still trying to get a feel for how much space is needed/actually useable.

Have you tried to run anything else? How loud and hot does it get? I’m looking for a vr box and am considering a pre built one.

Like Kojima and Quiet?

Are you my anger translator?

Cue the Stephen A Smith “Stay off the Weed” Montage.

I am MigrantTwerker

And I will now be joining the Master Race...if I can port my ps4 toon.

Also, do you ever run trials or anything else with Kotakites?