
Praise the Sun!

So what’s the best deal on an Xbox One you’ve seen so far? I just need a 1tb hard drive, Halo and my 360 copy of Mass Effect.

So what’s the best deal on an Xbox One you’ve seen so far? I just need a 1tb hard drive, Halo and my 360 copy of

I needed this this.

Pre ordered pip boy edition after E3, got the delay yesterday without notice. Bummer on PS4.

Topped out at 302 on normal. I can’t even run hard...I’m OK with that.

Kirk, i totally feel you. I’ve been playing since alpha and I’m burned out. Finally got to 302 after running the raid 3 times and other than finishing up my ToM, Sleeper Simulant and exotic sword quest i have no reason to play anymore. I love the lore and the community is the first time I’ve ever really moved from

They be deep on /r/destinythegame on Kotaku as well, must be nice get paid for posting user generated content from a competitor’s site.

I feel like these guys provide the type of gleeful organic likeability that LeBron James wished he had. He has everything but the “I really want these guys to do well and I’m a Bulls fan” love that these guys elicit.

Success...You have Done it Guardian...Success...

You can fast spam almost unlimited hammers of sol by button mashing the trigger buttons.


Do Kotaku staff ever game with readers or do you not because of privacy reasons, which is totally understandable?

You forgot free pre orders on games until delivery. Huge.

You forgot free pre orders on games until delivery. Huge.

There’s a LFG page on TAY right now, i found two great fireteams that way. Also, Jason, can i stop being perma grey?

Just tagged it on TayClassic, it’s my first TAY mind checking it out?

Jason, can you just start a general LFG Column? Is that something one of us could do on TAY?

You could make a case she’s ducking Cyborg, but I go back and forth.

Unrealistic. He’s not running away from competition while bragging about fight money.

If football doesn't work, you could always try out to be a ninja turtle.