
No, this administration has taken “political activity” and tried to turn the phrase into meaning “anything the administration disagrees with or finds inconvenient”. The term was traditionally interpreted rather tightly. You were not in violation of the Hatch act unless you’re using your position to work for candidates

Counterpoint: Remotes were common in the 80's (the decade of Peak Trump) and even Adderall-ed out past-expiration date Trump figured out Twitter.

I assume you’re volunteering to become the first mindless drone, yes?

It’s more like it’s mathematically convenient to assume black holes have no dimension, but that contrivance doesn’t really matter because the event horizon (the radius where escape velocity exceeds the speed of light) is where things really stop mattering (or even make sense). As such, the event horizon (which is

If you know someone at Bayer who will cut me a check for telling you that you’re an ignorant sack of shit, please forward me their contact info. I could use the money for my vacation fund.

No, having a flight stick on a starship is merely kind of dumb, but nowhere near “white rap saves the universe” stupid.

Villain with strong motivations? Idris got lost in space, contracted space madness, and declared his former boss responsible for his predicament and so he gets even using mysteriously advanced technology.

This is true. My in-laws are super republican, and the most my conversations go with them are like

“Chop” is either a specific knife technique, or a term so vague it’s only synonymous with “cut”. If you want to be that loose, you can’t make a stink over OP, because “chopping an onion into rings” is perfectly cromulent. It’s (again) synonymous with “cutting an onion into rings”. Saying “X is not chopping while Y is”

Choping is just moving your knife up and down vs back and forth to cut (which is slicing).

How is this thing different? Every garlic press I’ve used just truned a perfectly fine clove of garlic into acrid mush. It’s not just me, from the late Mr. Bourdain:

I’ve done the latitudinal cuts. Too much coordination. It’s easier to do a couple of swipes along each side (at most, for most preps, one per side will do and no need to cut through to the core) and then silce down vertically.

You understand the anti-GMO folk perfectly well: they’re ignorant as fuck and can’t be bothered to educate themselves.

Right, because passing a bunch of worthless bills really helped the GOP, right?

More of this centrist bullshit will come as the fight gets more real. More of the bad Democrats will sign up for bad Medicare for All alternatives,

Good rule so long as you’re not talking to a Nguyen.

Apparently Cally from BSG is married to Mack. That was the “huh” moment for me today.

That particular tidbit has been in the works for a while and is precisely the kind of detail work that Trump is in no way interested in. Also, the root of that sale is a competition *against* Russia.

Russia didn’t force anyone to vote a certain way. America, as it always has, fucked itself, by itself.

Did they? Per the article, there’s never been a scientifically proven link between talcum powder use and cancer.