
Nope. The star of a movie that makes $200 million in pure profit (on top of making back a $300-400M budget) should not have to settle for a $500,000 salary cap. They made it fucking rain and deserve their piece of it. Where else should the money go? To line the already gilded pockets of the studio and distributor?

As a man, I’m telling you to shut up. Not because you’re a man, but because your point is tedious.

“Quantity has a quality all its own.” -Joe Stalin, undated 

Spectrum licenses also serve a public service, but that doesn’t stop the FCC from auctioning them off at market rates. No reason why these can’t be auctioned to the highest bidder as well.

I object to the idea that money flows from confidence. It’s usually the other way around. Tons of wealthy people are downright neurotic (and *that* is what drives them) until they get “fuck you” rich.

CS (Computer Science) guy asks question.

TBH, the one that’s going to save us from Trump...is actually Trump.

Because nothing, NOTHING on social media (or the Internet in general) is actually private.

Isn’t saying “the n-word” instead of the n-word...I don’t know...infantile? We all know what word is being talked about. What’s the point of hiding it? Legit question. I don’t claim sole (or any) authority on this subject, and won’t tell you how to think about it. I am curious *what* you think about it.

Millions, literally millions, of people believe in homeopathy. That shit doesn’t work either. Yet, many people believe in it so much they refuse actual medical treatment and some of those die because of it.

Huh. I just get them to rotate the tires while changing the oil. It’s an extra 20 minutes, but I’m usually next door eating lunch.

I don’t know you personally. You haven’t shown credentials, or refuting data. You could be an expert, a shill, a bot, or simply a rube. I can’t tell because to me you’re just a string of letters on a screen. So yeah, without any supporting evidence, I give exactly zero weight to your testimonials.

If you understood, then I explained it well enough.


Nope. That’s skimming and you do not retain as much that way.

Nope. Shit’s a scam,

Or don’t, because speed reading isn’t actually a thing. You can either skim something and retain essentially bullet points, or read every word at whatever pace your level of literacy allows and retain as much as your memory allows.

That’s not how buying works. Paying cash means I’m out $45K in today’s dollars. Financing means I’m out the discounted net present value of $45K paid out over however many years. You wanna use $43K as a number? Fine. That $2K difference is effectively them paying me to buy their $45K [whatever, item doesn’t matter].

Because interest rates are less than inflation, which means they’re actually paying me to buy their car.

YUP! Though I usually call them “suckers”, “rubes”, or “amateurs”. Cars with 40-50K in miles are selling for maybe 5 grand less than what you can get new and the financing is universally worse.