
It’s a big continent. I’m sure we can separate the scientists from the people trying to destroy them.

Yeah, I don’t get this. I want him as far away from DC as often as possible. Is there a trump golf resort in Antarctica? No? Can we fund one? Imagine if the airport gets snowed in. He could be stuck there for months.

It’s not “jip”. It’s “gyp” as in “gypsy”. Which should tell you everything about the origin and context of that word.

Pro: they get 100% of the take.

Economics is never a zero sum game. Even when it’s growing slowly and ESPECIALLY when it’s shrinking.

I’ve mostly been on your side with this, but economic measures are *always* relative. Any direct measurement, at minimum, gets swamped by inflation. Ever notice that everyone talks about the GDP growth rate, and not the GDP total itself?

Also TV. I don’t care if I agree with Bill Maher, I don’t want you telling me that, or worse, showing me a clip where he says literally the same thing I just did.

I’m still on my first playthrough, so whenever there’s a Interrupt prompt, I’m gonna hit it. I was satisfied with this outcome though.

Game gets better, at least more compelling, after the Ket“temple”.

First, a *lot* of F-35 features are software defined, and the computers were built with growth in them to allow for new features. So many new capabilities are an OS update away. If someone thinks of a new radar mode, flash the update and the whole fleet has it. If P&W discovers the engine can be pushed harder than

Just about all of it. First of all, it’s not new, and what we do now is only slightly different than what we were doing 30 years ago, which was only a bit different than what we did 20 years before that.

Movie directors are steeped in movie history, techniques and philosophies (okay, maybe not Bay). They are fully capable of comprehending the original intent and methods of original works.

You bring up what’s probably Tyler’s other problem: the people in the know generally can’t talk about it, so he can’t learn what he doesn’t know. It was never concurrency, it was scope creep, overly ambitious targets to begin with, and lowballed numbers that gave all 3 of your programs issues. F-35 was never going to

Their web player is DREADFUL. Like, Internet circa 1997 bad.

Eh. Tyler had the occasional gem, but he got more than a few things *really* wrong. He was piss-poor with anything involving project management, which unfortunately was a good chunk of his writing (like...everything on the F-35). His rant on “concurrency” was exceptionally bad. Then again, he doesn’t have that kind of

TBH, it’d have to be *really* bad problems for me to ever deal with Funimation’s godawful web player or lousy mobile app.

While Funimation has many app on many platforms, most of them are shitty.

Sure, if you’re pursuing a certification. Any associates degree is pretty broad (1/3 to 1/2 Gen. Ed. credits) with only introductions to specific fields. TBH, it’d probably be more than sufficient for most entry level white collar jobs out there, but as I pointed out above the A.A. and A.S. are blown out in the arms

If I bake a fresh loaf of bread, or a pie, a sheet of cookies, or really anything, I immediately eat about half of whatever I made. At that point, I can assure you, I do *not* want to have sex with a man. So, on the face of it, the story checks out.

First objection: schools don’t pressure you into going to college. HR departments do. HR reps like credentials as those are the easiest/laziest way to sift through a hundred apps. Your HSD + 10 years OTJ gets you round filed because nuance requires reading in detail. Net result: rampant credential inflation. BA’s are