
Those people will lie or “misremember” who they voted for in the future, when they talk about the election with friends, children, relatives, and neighbors. They will pretend they were not the morons who risked everything for their egos and didn’t barricade Trump.

Marchman: “My vote doesn’t matter, especially because I live in Pennsylvania, a safe state that will in no case go for the candidate of misogyny and white ethno-nationalism”

Yeah... about that....

Yeah, no change.

Third-party voters and the “They’re equally bad, so I just didn’t vote!” geniuses as well.

You’ve marched right on to the bargaining stage, then? I’m still grappling with denial.


College athletes should be paid, and the incredibly inequitable manner in which the NCAA distributes its billions of dollars must be fixed in order for that to happen. As it stands, the richest schools in least need of of those billions are getting the majority of that revenue; meanwhile, historically-black

Kris Bryant, Kris Bryant, and Kris Bryant.

...that’s a weekender/duffle bag.

...that’s a weekender/duffle bag.

The Quakers too, don’t forget about the Quakers.

Excuse me, dear? The Supreme Court has roundly rejected prior restraint!

I won’t stand for this grabass.....this bally-hoo.