
You and me both! #DaddiesRock

It's three weeks, isn't it? March 30?

You know, even dirty and scruffy like he was here, I was all, "Damn! Skeet can get it!"

Was that line not an ad-lib? I seem to remember reading or hearing that the fake blood on Ulrich's hands was so slippery, the phone flew from his hand and hit Lillard's head, and he ad-libbed with genuine annoyance, while in character. He was amazing in Scream.

Yeah the people never actually move, they're just in it for a renovation of their home. The houses they're shown are not actually for sale, usually homes of producers, friends, crew members, etc. They film every couple saying both, "Love It" or "List It," but the producers choose one so it keeps David and Hillary on

YES! And for all their whining about gourmet kitchens and shit, they are always serving crackers and cheese and various assorted finger food.

Hi beema, not sure if you will ever see this. But reading these Lost reviews as I binge-watch Lost with my folks (it's their first time), I always look forward to returning as I'll know you will always have a well thought-out response and I greatly enjoy reading them.

I agree. I went in not expecting very much (it being the boyfriend's pick), but I had a pretty good time for $13! Plus, I've seen Jason Sudeikis in tonnes of stuff before and always found him kinda meh, but he was weirdly sexy in this movie. What is up with that? Maybe seeing him splayed on the big screen (I never

Neither have I, I would but there's not enough in my current budget to spend an extra $17/month just for one 8-episode show, so I think I'll go by other means or wait for Blu-ray. Weekend is awesome!

S2, Ep. 1: Looking for Fried Chicken.

Why isn't Oscar Isaac a bigger star already? He's talented and gorgeous and he can croon and I'm all ready to hear his voice!

Love the 1978 version, have yet to see the 1956 version. Abel Ferrara's version was the first one I watched, on cable in 1994, freaked the hell out of me. Meg Tilly's whole "where ya gonna go, where ya gonna run, where ya gonna hide? Nowhere, 'cause there's no one like you left" speech was absolutely chilling to

That would make quite the double bill I'm sure, especially at that age. I haven't seen either film in years, should track both down and watch back-to-back.

Ha! That sounds awesome. Have never seen any of the Phantasms but that sounds like the way to go


Awwww, K Thrace, I don't think of you or your mother as a whore. In fact, I think of you as anything but! (Wait, did I do that right?)