
*WELL-REGULATED. That’s the key part of that protected status. None of these restrictions are unconstitutional. They are regulations. We regulate/restrict (and in some cases remove) basic rights all the time. Free speech is restricted. Practice of religion is restricted. Right to vote is restricted. There is

And we just need to straight up ban personal ownership of automatic assault weapons. His own mother bragged about walking out the door with an AR-15, Tec-9 and AK-47. No private citizen needs those weapons; they are solely for killing lots of people very quickly.

So many anti-gun control people love to compare guns to cars. More and more, I think we need to follow their lead and treat them like cars and treat gun ownership like driving. 6-8 week courses to get licensed, culminated with a test you must pass with a high percentage. You have to be insured and licensed to purchase

Even the Yakuza in Japan don’t like to use firearms, and they’re the biggest organized crime group in the country! When a crime syndicate has better gun control measures than a country that is purportedly built on freedom and awesomeness, you know something is off.

The ones that I know are far worse than their “abusive” parents, and then claim that we are too coddled because we don’t like being beaten with belts.

I know that my BPD mom came from an abusive home, and never got help for herself. Kids who grew up with alcoholic or narcissist parents experienced similar things, the behaviors tend to span several conditions. I’d like to think that with our society becoming more aware of and open to discussing things like mental

So they made fun of girls for being stereotypically girly and a man for not being stereotypically manly, is what you’re saying?

I’ve never been to a baseball game, not living in North America, but I always figured it was like cricket - yes you’re there to watch the sport but it’s as much about enjoying the sunshine and the food and the beer (and if you’re at a village or amateur game possibly the pot as well). Because they are both slow paced

Who cares if they paid attention to the game or not. They bought their ticket- they have the right to enjoy their seats anyway they want as long as they aren’t hurting anyone.

But we don’t need unions or collective bargaining or wage laws because each individual server can just use the vast power and leverage they hold to stop the managers from doing this sort of thing. Also I have a magic unicorn rabbit that shits skittles.

Baseball is boring as fuck. I don’t know what you mean by “inability to connect to the world around them”, but I have a feeling you also yell things like “get off my lawn!”

They were participating in a promotion that involved taking selfies put on by the stadium. It had just been announced right before this clip.

It’s also worth noting that the announcers were encouraging people to take selfies so....

I understand. My mother will never admit she needs help. Neither will my in-laws. Some people are just so broken...in fact, most people are. Shortly after I made the decision to cut my mother off, I was helping my little brother (from Ex-Wife #2) clean out some old files and we came across a tape. We realized it was a

Sounds like you’re so on the right track, and your sister sounds like an angel with a core of steel. Three things I wish all parents (and especially people in our situation) would be told right from the get-go:

“They” didn’t come up with that, a lawyer did. And you can see the logic behind that if you do some research into previous litigation in and the rules of the jurisdiction where the case was filed.

I replied to your other post asking this question as well but I like the excuse to post again.

I spent years hearing about how I was ‘oversensitive’, or that ‘mothers and daughters always have issues’ because my mother could keep her act together in front of others. Over the years I’ve heard she’s begun to slip up more and more (we’re estranged,so I haven’t seen it myself). It’s kind of gratifying when people

Your sitch sounds a bit like mine. My advice—it’s YOUR day. Only invite people who make you happy. It’s just not worth it to have people there who don’t 100% have your best interests at heart. Neither sets of parents were at our handfasting. We took his mom out to dinner later, and I took great joy in telling my own

My boyfriend’s mother is absolutely the most toxic person I’ve ever met and through years of therapy he’s been able to put the past behind him and treat her more like an acquaintance than a parent. But I know that if we were to get married and we didn’t invite her, it would send a ripple... no, maybe a tsunami...