
In my case, cycle of abuse and mental illness. My mother was severely emotionally abused my her adoptive mother and adoptive relatives, to the point that they’re completely estranged. She also has severe depression and a thyroid condition that was mistreated so severely that it made her briefly psychotic. Add in that

Fuck, you poor thing. Elope. Invite no-one except the people you absolutely cannot imagine getting married without. Do not include any family who would tell you that.

Yep. Apparently I’m ‘highly-strung’ and ‘oversensitive’ and ‘emotionally fragile’ because I had a breakdown after a lifetime of subtle put-downs and emotional abuse. Apparently sons often have ‘complex’ relationships with their mothers, especially if their fathers leave - there’s nothing complex about our relationship

...this is my nightmare. My mother would never do anything as uncouth as start a fight, but she will spend every second quietly picking at anything I do/chose for the wedding, spend the wedding day sweetly criticising me and driving me to the point of a nervous breakdown, while being unfailingly nice and polite to

I want to exclude my mother from our wedding (and would exclude my partner’s sister if I could). Nobody would understand though, so they’ll probably get invites just so I don’t have to spend the entire time being told what a heartless bastard I am for excluding them. They also wouldn’t do anything as horrible as your

This is me, too: the only reason I’m still struggling along in a toxic relationship with my mother is because my two younger siblings still live with her and I don’t want to put them in a bad situation. Thankfully my partner fully acknowledges that my mother is a crazy bitch who undermines and belittles me at every

A friend and I were just talking about this on Facebook!

I live in Australia, so I’m pretty tolerant of creepy crawlies.

Unless they’re asylum-seekers - its a national disgrace and shame, and the cornerstone of our immigration policy. I am happy we’re denying this nutbag entrance, but we also deny thousands of desperate people access as well, against international law, so get all excited about it is all I mean.

That part particularly annoys me, because being stateless is actually really traumatic and a horrible state for anyone to be in, and he (as an American) was STILL in America when he said that, so he’s nothing even remotely close to not having a country, and is clearly utterly ignorant of the reality of being stateless.

We don’t have freedom of speech, not the same way America has, anyway. There is no Bill of Rights, but the High Court has determined that Australians (not Americans in Australia) have freedom of political speech.

Because, as Angela said, hate speech kills people. We have laws against that here - we’ve also denied Chris Brown a visa due to his criminal history, and cancelled the visas of a ‘pick-up artist’ known for assaulting women. We actually, despite some evidence to the contrary, do care about the health, safety and

We don’t have freedom of speech :)

1. He hated organised religion - I doubt a Priest or Pastor would have been much help.

I’d bet good money that the Pope had no clue who she was - the Cardinals and Bishops are more conservative than the Pope, and the American Nunciature is more conservative than the Pope and indeed everyday Catholics. That still doesn’t mean the Pope is awesome, or wonderful or anything at all. He’s still presiding over

Truth. It’s angry men who think they’re entitled to women, popularity, attention, something. And when that’s ‘denied’ them, they lash out rather than confront any of their actual problems, or accepting that that’s just life.

A friend asked me, “why is it the guns? Shouldn’t we focus on why the shooter did it?” And I said no, there are angry young men in every culture. Here, there are racist, sexist, angry young men who want to kill people - they get the same encouragement from the internet and from their peers. They also think they’re

Hello - I’m an Australian and one of the first questions we tend to ask Americans (once we know them well enough (or not, if we have poor impulse control)) is how the fuck they live in a country with so many guns that are so easy to get? Because it really is inconveivable to have so many mass shootings and gun-related

Yeah, bull-fucking-shit.

The desire for revenge outweighs any moral or ethical or logical considerations, apparently.