Well, I won’t be consuming that >:c Seems I’ll need to pack a month’s worth of food for any trip to Southern USA!
Well, I won’t be consuming that >:c Seems I’ll need to pack a month’s worth of food for any trip to Southern USA!
Ok, so, I do order a Maccas burger without the patty and with extra pickles... I’m sorry, ok??? But in the middle of bumfuck nowhere at 2 fucking am, where the hell else am I going to find something edible and vegetarian??? And if your suggestion is “well get the salad then!”, go fuck yourself. It’s some limp lettuce…
Thank you.
Yeah... I surived my suicide attempts through sheer luck and inefficiency - a gun certainly would have changed that. I also have a friend with ptsd, a military vet, who gets drunk and pulls out his gun and thinks about killing himself. He’s learnt now to make it impossible to access when he’s inebriated, but I still…
Yeah, they really should have contact numbers for some lifeline hotlines after articles about topics like this :/ I think its irresponsible not to...
No, but it can be confusing when someone who is successful and popular, who appears to have great support network and lots of oppertunities, takes their life. It’s always a tragedy when anyone takes their own life, but it can seem even more confusing why someone would chose to do that when every indication is that…
I’m in the greys so it’s likely no one will see this...
I’m sorry, but this basically sums up the fucking problem with having your insurance supplied through your employer. I’ve had endless arguments with with US friends, and while no our system isn’t perfect, and obviously they’re lucky with who they work for and the broad coverage that gets them (although they have to be…
I know a lot of size queens, but even they would absolutely bulk at 10 inches - 8 inches is a fairly generous amount of cock.
I tend to make these jokes too and am also met with stony silence or confusion - except from my partner who sighs and tells me deadpan he’ll give me that amount of inches later (he’s a keeper ;) Especially since people are STILL confused after his response).
I draw a line between yelling and speaking firmly - personally, I’ve always found using a firm, no nonsense tone works more efficiently than yelling/screaming, but I get that yelling has its uses in some situations :) I’ve found even glaring at kids misbehaving in public can work - they’re so shocked that a stranger…
No, Australians are no “scared” of feral cats. We’re pissed off that they kill some of the few pretty and harmless native animals we do have.
Cats don’t actually do much. I mean, maybe mice? Cockroaches? But we have spiders and snakes to deal with that. So we don’t need the cats. And if they’re in your home, they’ll keep those pests out of your home, so stopping them decimating the native species of very beautiful birds (for example) is still a win. Plus,…
I’m assuming this isn’t an issue in Australia (aka jurisdiction doesn’t extend overseas) because people sing Happy Birthday on TV, radio, and in public all the time. Thankfully the whole happy birthday spectical that occurs in US restaurant chains doesn’t really happy here. It sounds traumatic.
Apologies - I read your comment as stating that the sole reason the US has more POC in prison is due to the larger population (so roughly the same percentages of population are incarcerated in Canadian, Australian, US jails etc).
In both Canada and Australia, POC are statistically far more likely to be incarcerated and die in incareration. I don’t think that can be denied. However, looking at percentage of incarcerated per population, the US has more people and more minorities incarcerated than either country. I think this has a lot to do with…
I know the others have said it, but it really is annoying as hell when people say stupid things like “vegetarian diet while eating fish”. No, you eat a lot of vegetarian foods, but you’re not vegetarian nor is your diet vegetarian. You might be pescetarian, or just mostly not eating meat, but that doesn’t make you…
“Oh, they’re a vegetarian, so they won’t eat anything that looks like meat.”
I’m in the greys, so no one will ever see this, but anyway:
On planes here, they make you open the window covers all the wayfor landing and take off, so that wouldn’t happen here. I hope. I really, really hope.