
Hinkie wins again

If you think Sam Hinkie could’ve raised the Sixers championship-expectancy in two seasons to more than 4%....then I just feel sorry for you my man

Gotcha — Yankees can give up when their chances are 5%, but Sam Hinkie can’t do the same thing when his team is not even close to 1%

But you were okay with them trading away your 2 best pitchers in a wild card race last year? Strange

HAHAHAHA theSixers “culture” is infinitely better than Porzingis’s situation. Are you paying any attention?

He flipped MCW for great value and the Noel pick was fine. You can retroactively criticize every GM in history if you parse their draft picks for players they “missed”

Yes. The other half is New Jersey

I guess I don’t understand why you don’t think Christians can dance in a club on a holiday

And so many commenters here still defend that guy and Nick Denton! Simply because Peter Thiel is the person who destroyed them.

Wow, try to make a more bigoted comment. January 1 is the Solemnity of Mary

Nah, you just have selective memory

You’re the one who asked the stupid question. This could’ve been a violation of team rules.

“Has this place gone downhill?”

Insert “Kinja” for “Twitter” and the rest of your comment needs no changes

I have: the black men who voted for Trump.

Acquire the 53-man roster and allow the owners to select a head coach, whose influence on each game is probably overstated anyway

So he’s like Deadspin writers, only successful

Deadspin? Pushing narratives? Noooooo

One week early on this article, Barry.

What a sense of entitlement to demand that news outlets you like should be immune from criticism!