Everything about this is wrong.....but I am sorry..Tugrats is freakin hilarious
Everything about this is wrong.....but I am sorry..Tugrats is freakin hilarious
Koi wa ameagari no you ni. It has amazing artwork, music and and characters. Trust me and give it a shot. It has been quite good so far.
I’ve been binge watching yuru yuri and non non biyori recently...I need more shows like these 2 very badly. Anything new in 2017 thats similar? I know theres a non non biyori movie coming out soon but I need something to tide me over...
ToraDora. ToraDora should be on this list...
Maid Dragon is so good but probably only appeals to a small amount of people because it is just straight up moe and cute girls doing cute things. I love it though. It is my favorite anime right now.
I had never heard of Games Done Quick until the summer show in 2016 and I freaking loved it. I think it is a great event and a great charity and they are totally reasonable with the requests they have made.
Arent these servers supposedly based in Russia or somewhere near there? Isnt that the entire point? That if they get a shutdown notice that they can just laugh it off and Blizzard more than likely can not do anything about it because of the location. I’m pretty sure something like this is the case. Everyone here…
ToraDora should be on this list. It is the perfect winter time anime and one of the best romcoms there is.
not sure if it is too late but it would be fine with me if the comment was used
you disgust me making things up for a few views. people like you are making this truly insufferable. i did not vote for trump but why do people like you have to make it seem like our country is about to implode? you make me sick.
The quality of the content the dev team at Amplitude releases jumps in magnitudes every time there is something new. This company really impresses me. I have been playing Tempest for days now and it really is fantastic. I can’t wait to see Endless Space 2 when it is complete. Sega was smart to pick these guys up and…
ugh I was hoping to see Steins:Gate zero on this list....im so ready for the anime....
I liked mob psycho 100 a lot but RE:zero was the break out anime of the season, no question. And it was superb.
ha they were never down for multiple hours...very briefly sometimes but i never had any issues and i played through most of the “attacks”. bliz seems to have gotten better at dealing with these issues
I love K-On! FAR more than I should as a 32yo male with a fiance...but the manga was stale and I found it pretty boring. The anime is one of the best out there as far as slice of life/ cute girl anime go. It is also one of the very few that has a pretty decent dub.
I did come back for legion and trust me...world quests alone give you enough (fun) things to do to keep you occupied for a really long time. I have geared up and alt enough to run mythic dungeons just from doing world quests alone. Plus you have a chance to get a freakin legendary from them! I am very impressed with…
I’ve played many hours of the steam version already and there are no issues....one translation error in the phone menu. That is all.
I seriously can not believe people actually think this is ok. You do not know this guy. I mean...do people even drop in on friends nowadays without at least texting them first?
People who truly love it should easily be able to forgive having to wait for the reasons he gives. If he had forced it out and the ending was sub-par (see the anime) people would have had a fit and never have forgiven him. At least with him being recharged and not burnt out on it there is a much better chance he will…
I was about to buy this from GoG.com...but now I know about the betrayal....wish I had not read that seeing as how someone has been telling me recently I should really play this. I still enjoy Diablo 2 so old school graphics dont bother me one bit.