
I sort of envy your parents’ support, but I guess that came about as a result of their personal experiences with depression, so I guess that awareness comes at a cost. Anyway, I’m glad your SSRI has helped. Thanks for sharing your story. May I ask why you were so reluctant to start antidepressants?

I just got my own health insurance this January, and I do remember some mention of a similar hotline... Guess it’s time to start wading through all those insurance papers (Seriously, so many unsolicited brochures. Think of the trees, insurance people!). Thanks for the suggestion—sounds like a solid starting point. I

Longtime lurker surfacing. New burner (lost the key to the old), but in the past, I’ve received support and encouragement from this insightful community, and I’d like to impose once more. I’ve been dealing with depression solo for awhile. The rational part of my brain knows I need to seek treatment, but I’m scared to