Pretending this was real world
Pretending this was real world
Is it me or does the driver start to steer back into his lane prior to contact?
If Canada is going to skip out on global ops and stick to just national defense they need an interceptor.
Wouldn’t be hilarious if after careful analysis they discover that the F-35 is the best choice Canada.
Don’t forget about endangering his passenger. Rider appears to be typical young asshole rider.
Long time rider here. Sportbikes mainly.
dark-o’clock in the morning
For public roads, any mention of “apex” should be followed by mention of “sand, dirt, debris and that bicyclist you couldn’t see coming around the corner.” I say this as someone who has seen plenty of great experienced riders die because their perfect line happen to cross an area where sand collects. I see enough…
Love it that he’s doing what thousands of private pilots do all the time.
For 4 times the original price (non-adjusted) or almost exactly the showroom price (adjusted for inflation) you can have a bike that will tank slap its way to 4 constantly clogged up keihin’s all while shoving you into a shitty riding position.
Learned something new today. I had no idea Honda offer the GL1200 with Fuel injection.
For this class of car, layout doesn’t matter. What matters is presense on the road and interior.
What separates this from having a private Australian company ticket you by Camera?
Considering that a lot of early to mid 80’s Fords seemed like they were designed to “kaput” at 80K I’m shocked this thing is still putting around.
The H2\H2r are 500+ lb hyperbikes (drag strips and high speed shennanigans). Ideal for that pull all the way up to 180+ or enjoying some nice fast sweepers. While it should handle pretty well, it will probably get spanked by most modern supersports on many tracks. Anything with a lot of transitions would be see it…
Just came back from the dealership to check how well this gen R1 fits my frame.
I wear prescription glasses and my rides typically have me leaving before sunrise.
This works out pretty well in the short term
Our community uses the library all the time. Nowadays its mostly online (ePub) but plenty of people we know still use it. Whether its checking out books\movies\albums or attending something for the kids.
That’s easy