
ahem…. 301 if you include lincoln. his fault he died

she needs to take out jaha as well

don't know why but i am happy that they did not catch the right person who automatically confesses to his/her crime

i watched it until four episodes ago, but they sing too much. twice per hour would work for me

pike is the trump of the post apocalyptic future. that whole scene with bellamy felt rushed and unnatural

no it was an F for bellamy.

bellamy needs to die. also i kind of got annoyed about the slavery reference, apparently slavery is still an issue with blacks in the future. That felt unnecessary and out of place with the story arc. i am just not going to watch anymore.

i saw a video about most trolls being fat. was referring to the comment on i zombie that ravi made saying she got hit by the bus; she never saw it. that made me wonder how many get hit in real life

oh, did not know that. I haven't read the new comics. so i have no clue about the wally thing

This episode makes me wonder how many people have been hit by buses due to tweeting

superheros doping. thats new

The H1B problem is also happening at biotech firms. i know my employer Allergan has been hiring quite a few from india for non IT jobs

It is stem field. most IT jobs expect you to have a ECE/CS degree. its not just help desk.

its implied, prior to barry seeing the video when he is talking to harry's lawyer about the trust he left(its around the 19 minute mark of the first episode of the second season). also since its a research lab, its most likely non profit. so no taxes and a bunch of grant money left over

most internships now a days are unpaid, so if you are lower income, its harder to for oneself to take these internships. you still have to eat and commute to work; thats not free. getting a STEM job is no longer worth it IMO. I am currently training my H1B Indian replacement. Wee IT outsourcing(its not just IT where

maybe she sent it again. or the invitation does not expire for 6 years. go accepted to for the winter quarter. yeah its weird either way, but there are people who get multiple degrees and then don't like the work. So, they get another one. maybe she did not like the second and third degrees. the only thing that

thats just like real life. i actually know a few people with CS/ECE degrees working at Starbucks and best buy its not that farfetched

its mentioned when wells confesses. leaves a fortune and the lab to berry. no money budgeted for security though

did she do something to her chin. looks like an implant

i was happy when Amanda Waller died. never liked her character