
Nah, I don't see "SJW" as a valid insult. I also don't see it thrown around much anymore with this chrome extension that changes "SJW" to "skeletons" :P. It's a fun extension.

My bets are, Ajpocken fits that description though. :p

Merry Christmas Santa!

Honestly, we do not deserve the nomination.

You're doing good work Santa.

Note they're not talking about everyone who plays games, or who self-identifies as a "gamer", as being the worst

So if you don't eat right don't eat at all?

Most game design students don't even attempt touching animations. You also have to remember this game was built in at most a year, at least a semester.

Hey, it's a group of students not doing this for profit (I don't think)!! They aren't professionals!

Mario....has changed.

Here's to you, Old Mario.


Hey Richard, seen the latest space dandy? Really good episode imo.

Here's an even easier solution: don't make things illegal for no reason.

Easy solution: change the laws so they're not quite as fucked up.

And don't execute people for taking illegal drugs.

Easy solution: governments should quit messing with the chemical freedom of people.

Better solution: decriminalize drugs.

Yes, it's shameful and unforgivable the artist didn't make exactly what you want.