
GamerGate is undoing years of work creators and scholars alike have toiled in order to bring video games to the wider culture. GamerGate will not change anything in journalism, aside from encouraging mainstream media to continue stereotyping video games as trivial playthings and those who play them as insecure

I'm hoping this mess comes to a close soon. Even if some proponents of the hashtag mean well, it is ultimately, on a macroscopic scale, doing far more harm than good to the reputation of video games in the eyes of the mainstream, undoing decades of work video game creators and scholars alike have toiled in hopes of

I know there was an imgur pic floating around claiming the majority of GamerGaters were left-wing due to political compass results, but it was ultimately useless as evidence because the political compass is not a valid assessment of an individual's political tendency (Results typically skew toward the libertarian left

Don't you mean "because sure, *rye* not?"

>gets called out on how hoping for people to lose their jobs and a community-valued local business to be shut down for using another entity's IP in a harmless way that neither competes with nor harms the profit potential of said entity is extreme, hyperbolic bullshit

Fountain City Coffee features local artwork on their walls, if I remember correctly, so I don't see your point. Also, this is a *menu*, not mounting space for a painting.

>implying the artists working for the Nintendo corporation are going to starve because some small, locally-owned coffee shop that Nintendo would have never licensed their IP to to begin with decided the college-aged customers who frequent the shop would find Zelda references on their menu amusing

Right, let's hope for plenty of people losing their jobs and a beloved local coffee shop being put out of business to make way for yet another Starbucks.

This was the coffee shop where me and fellow programmers planned and worked on the game we were making for our software engineering term project in college.

And that's the problem with the gaming community.



You sound pretty stressed; maybe you should play some Peggle.

Ketchup is boring.

If we did not analyze power dynamics in terms of material conditions and instead analyzed them from an idealist perspective, we would run into little more than baseless conspiracy theory. Perhaps you have a more reasonable idealist way to look at it, and if so, I'd love to hear it out; I just think idealism can be

The idea that men are consciously banding together to oppress women is a paranoid delusion, I agree. Women are still being oppressed, though, and the explanation is in materialism; it was never in conspiracy theory.

"In saying rape is oppression, you are purposefully ignoring all men who have been raped, making rape JUST an issue for women, and then saying that men use rape as a form of social oppression."

I'd say that this is a pretty big leap in logic. Rape being used as a tool of oppression against women by a patriarchy does

Being a form of oppression and being a crime are not mutually exclusive properties. Kotaku never stated that Temkin was a rapist; they stressed the importance of remembering that false rape accusations are extremely rare and that there is rarely anything to gain from falsely accusing an influential individual of

It's not a double standard because, again, it's apples and oranges. Adultery is a breach of trust between two individuals, but is neither a tool nor byproduct of an oppressive culture, unlike rape. I'd say that believing that the breach of consent performed through cheating is anywhere near as damaging or at all

Kotaku has covered more than just video games for years. It's a media website for video games, tabletop games, and things gamers are also probably interested in (Such as teh animu).