
How many calories do you take in each day? As far as decreasing body fat is concerned, working out is half the battle, and the other half is diet (Which I know most people don't like to hear, but it's the truth). If you take in an average number of calories each day—say, 1.5k to 2.5k—you won't lose weight. You'll be

It's also a good idea to take a martial art; kung fu is great at exercising your whole body and solidifying what you've done in the gym by putting it into practice.

Also, diet is key: you're not going to lose weight unless you're burning off more than you take in. Try to cut your caloric intake to under 1000 (Better yet, under 500) a day. Make sure the calories come from a variety of sources (Contrary to popular belief, neither fats nor carbohydrates are bad for you; you need

I wouldn't recommend this advice. I mean, cardio is good for warming up and cooling down, but what you really want to do if you're looking to improve your health is lift: you burn *even more* calories than walking/running, and you build muscle and strength while you lose weight (Which you don't if you're just doing

Quite the contrary: I think it's WE who need to find help. It's HE who has it all figured out.

Funding. I love this; it's so meta it's beyond even Grant Morrison's wildest peyote trips.

Zool was 2 kool for skool. Zool was not 2 kool for the sweet taste of Chupa Chups product placement.

I thought the Ratchet and Clank movie had a trailer, too, and was closer to theatrical release than Sly.

Technically, convincing your opponent otherwise or changing her or his mind is never the point behind arguing. The point behind discussion, and even simply expressing your opinion, is to convince the audience: those not partaking in the discussion, but instead watching. In addition, if one didn't intend for anyone to

Whatever happened to that "Monster Hunter with Katamari-style graphics" RPG Pen said he wanted to make? It's a shame none of the Adventure Time licensed games were on that scale. :(

Thank you for this. You can't condense a work of art into a number. Show me your art to number converter! You can't, because it doesn't make sense!

The thumbnail makes this look like Pikachu. :P

The US lost something special when arcades died out. They were a public thing where people could go to, socialize and meet new people, and enjoy something spectacular together; sure, we still have conventions that facilitate that kind of community, but they are scattered and ephemeral. Furthermore, they are far more

The outrage doesn't make much sense to me. Pledges are made on Kickstarter so that an appealing product may be funded and thus given a shot at being produced; the Rift is still being developed, its dev kits are still in the hands of several talented developers (game and otherwise), it's still going to be available for

The appearance of that plate is barbaric:

Now playing

It's tracks like this one that really helped flesh out VII and made it, in my opinion, the most atmospheric game in the series. I loved that world, with its Blade Runner-esque dystopian cities up against its uncharted ancient and primordial locations.

Those look so sugary you can almost feel the heart disease without even eating them. :P

With the Souls series carrying hints of classics such as Ghosts n' Goblins and Demon's Crest as it is, I'd really love things to come full-circle and see someone make a full-fledged 2D 16-bit aesthetic Souls-inspired sidescroller. Are there currently any games out there that are similar to this?

If the industry is currently saturated with simulators, then I don't really see it (I can think of some genres that would qualify, though). Bear Simulator doesn't look like a haphazardly put-together joke, either; the presentation is solid enough, for a one-man developer especially, and it looks like an interesting,

Don't you mean "internet *il*literate?"