Mme. Nouvelle

I just ache for all the people trying to get sober and overcome addiction. It’s remarkable that anyone would attempt recovery after watching people like MTG viciously hurl people’s worst moments in their faces.

Republicans are doing an excellent job convincing me Hunter Biden knows how to have a good time.

I can’t wait for her lil buddy Matt Gaetz to weigh in on this. He sex trafficked girls across state lines and then paid them through Venmo. Oh wait MTG and the MAGAs could care less about that. Hunter is a private citizen and Gaetz is a public official paid for by taxpayers. Why do Dems sit on the sidelines and refuse

Republicans are bullies and criminals. They need to be held accountable for their disgusting actions.

Oh she’s gonna get sued so much by Hunter’s team of dobermann attack lawyers. That’s a given, he’s sued a bunch of Repuggers already over just this sort of thing.

She literally put (stolen) porn on daytime TV, but it’s supposedly the drag queens and libraries that are sexualizing kids? 

Who could have predicted such bad outcomes when they elected a fucking idiot gun nut from a Ku Klux Klan town?

This is unbelievable, they have absolutely no shame. Hillary was right when she called them deplorable.   

I hope Hunter Biden files a criminal complaint with the DC police department and initiates a civil lawsuit. I know that is exactly what that heinous attention seeking bitch is looking for, but it’s absolutely horrifying that a member of Congress would display a nude picture of a private citizen during a televised

I guess we’re about to see exactly how ironclad the speech and debate clause is.

That tears it - I’m definitely not voting for Hunter.

Caitlyn Jenner can absolutely go to hell with her entitled evil rich monster bullshit. I wouldn’t piss on that piece of shit if she was on fire.

That is mine! Unfortunately Jezebel didn’t include the update. The incident happened just over a month ago. Since then, my daughter has repeatedly (and nonchalantly) said “mummy has a shadow on her back”. She’s not precise about verb tense so I think/hope it’s past tense.

When my dad was a teenager in the late 1950s, he used to work as a dishwasher at a Mexican restaurant that was near the local cemetery. To get to work, he could either walk the long way around the cemetery, which was twice as far, or cut straight through it. More often than not, he’d opt to go through the cemetery.

We aren’t designed to sustain fasting for days as a normal occurence. We are designed to eat when we are hungry. As a matter of fact, our bodies will retain fat if we go without food for too long. It’s a response to hunger. If our ancestors went without food for days, it was due to a shortage of food, not because they

The twist is that Colin keeps all of his negative impulses in check for the public by purging them in his hobo-filled murder dungeon.

Life is one big Lemon Party.

Right? When they broadcast from his home in 2020, he was #turnt.

The fact that she will never run up on the right one because she knows that would be her ass is reason enough to dismiss her but the fact that this cow is allowed to make laws in this country is a disgrace. I hope she runs her mouth on someone that ain’t afraid of jail time. She does all this shit on Twitter which

I’ll always be amazed at people who could just shut the fuck up about something that has nothing to do with them and doesn’t affect them in any way, but they have to come busting through the wall like the fucking Kool-Ade man with their two-bit thoughts.