That was really good, and should’ve been the lead story instead of the War & Peace length novel exploring the ins and outs of newspaper delivery that we got.
That was really good, and should’ve been the lead story instead of the War & Peace length novel exploring the ins and outs of newspaper delivery that we got.
Not supernatural, but scary (and true) as fuck. This has been on my mind after the stories of that young woman killed by someone who worked at her apartment complex.
Earlier this year, my Dad passed after a steady decline in his health. When I saw him before he died, he was on a ventilator and other machines to sustain him.
I thiiiink I told this story like ten years ago here, but it may have been somewhere else. Anyway, here it is again!!
Playing Purple Rain in the rain after all that. Come on!
Super Bowl. In the rain. Wearing high heels. Playing Purple Rain.
The greatest Super Bowl Halftime Show that ever was and ever will be was Prince. Full stop.
Yep 100% this. I’m not even a huge Prince fan but absolutely respect that he had all the talent in the world as both a musician and a performer. Now given some of the latest halftime performances this next one could be head and shoulders above those and actually be good for once but Prince is the clear winner for all…
Greatest ever? Jay that trophy was retired for all time when Prince performed in Miami in a downpour. I can hear the complaining from Trump voters already that why didn’t Kid Rock get the slot or Jason Aldean or Lee Greenwood. The complaints from this should be epic.
or the associated smoke.
“Waaaah! I don’t wanna stand trial at The Hague! Waaaah!”
“Shut up and play dead!”
Time for the Billy Batson question: Has this guy ever kissed a girl?
crash and explode? that’s cold
16 months old. I don’t know much about babies, but my 13 month old only says “hi” and “uh-oh”. He better get his shit together if he’s gonna keep up with... What’s his face... X æ blah blah blah.
Not defending Chris’s actions at all, but where is the line drawn where something that 1) didn’t happen recently and 2) is *relatively* minor be used to kill someone’s career? Should he be fired and then that’s his entire penance? Or is he blackballed forever and destined to work as a janitor?
speaking of which
I keep thinking of that Boondocks episode from 16 years ago. The evidence was there, it has been for quite a while.
You can tell AOC’s dress worked because people won’t stop talking about it. She won.
It is medically impossible to resist that temptation.
Bald dude question: how strong is the temptation to take one of these when not wearing it and pretend it’s some kind of venus flytrap eating your hand?