Mme. Nouvelle

So where can I sign the petition to make America’s “1 thing” the new Rick-rolled because it’s a great song that no one talks about, and I would gladly partake in the community effort to meme it into resurgence.

Maybe I’m too observant, but:

For real this song absolutely fucking slaps and I’m completely willing to die on this hill.

She’s good at shutting down people intelligently that are ask her questions in bad faith. A definite talent.

I think my YouTube algorithm recommended her to me and I got hooked on her debunking videos. She explains it so plainly and even points editing errors, like the shirt hacks where someone dyes or cuts the material and the final product is something different from the original. 

She and/or Dave did a really interesting one about the content farms that produce the videos.  Too lazy to track it down, but it was well worth the watch.

My unceasing letter campaign to Steven Spielberg asking him exactly that has so far failed to yield an answer, merely a ‘Cease and Desist’ from his Lawyers.

Thank you. My father still tells this story (I don’t remember it; I was approximately two years old):

I really enjoy Ann Reardon and her How to Cook That channel on YouTube. Along with her fantastic cooking videos, she does a number of debunking videos that go into details on why many of the recipes on content farms (5-minute hacks, blossom, etc.) are bad and sometimes dangerous. She will even discuss how to make

Best of luck to the Kardashian-West clan, and I mean that sincerely. I grew up with a bipolar dad who I love very much but who was an incredibly volatile and frightening presence in my life for a good chunk of my childhood, so I have a ton of empathy for people navigating the mine field of how to treat their suffering

If anyone hasn’t yet heard of Texas Monthly, it is hands-down one of the best sources for fascinating longform stories. They’re written incredibly well, to the point where I find myself clicking on stories that I normally don’t care about at all and am entirely sucked in. Some personal favorites in case you have some

I am so over this “self-care wellness” bullshit when it really means, “eat/drink, or don’t eat/ drink this” to be skinny like me. And I am on the small side. My younger sister died from her eating disorder. She is DEAD. It is an illness, a lot of this behavior, and not a thing to be endorsed. Celebs need to be more

For a bunch of reasons it would be a difficult case, and it probably won’t happen, but I would love to see this woman sue the New York Post over this.  If Gawker deserved to be nuked over fucking Hulk Hogan, the New York Post damn sure deserves to go under for this garbage.

There was one line from trump which was just horrible and I so wished Biden would have seized on it hard. It was after Biden looked at the camera and said he was speaking to the families, people sitting around the kitchen table, wondering how they’re going to pay the rent...” Then when it was trump’s turn, he actually

There is nothing quite like hearing Donald J. Trump once again proclaim himself the least racist person in the room. It is the ultra-lie that betrays the ingrained dishonesty at the center of his being. Once those words leave his grease hole, you know you’ve hit the gooey fecal core of what Trump is.

At the end of this summer, I had quite a decent Facebook Marketplace addiction, and I was sporadically zipping out to drop off or pick up random items.

This happened when I was around 13 or 14. My dad had recently passed away, so it was just me, my mom, and my 5-years-younger brother. After my dad died, my mom became really adamant about always keeping the doors locked all the time, even though we lived in a safe, quiet neighborhood in a safe, quiet Alaskan town. I

Way, way back in the 1980’s, when all phone lines were ‘landlines’, answering machines were rare, and caller ID was not available, I was in Grade 11, home alone, and at the mercy of a persistent prank caller.

I think one of my all time faves was a comment that never made it to the lists. It was about the Jinn that was spotted through binoculars by soldiers that seemed walked in place.

Never seen one myself but I have a story from someone I trust. A few years ago, I asked my SO if he had ever seen a ghost. He got really uncomfortable and squirrelly, lots of hemming and hawing. Annoyed, I said "Just say yes or no! I won't judge if you think you have seen a ghost." (I'm a skeptic and figured he didn't