
When I watched it, I thought they were playing some cool camera tricks. That he was reliving the event as an adult and it was showing how his childhood trauma is still affecting him today.

Still not seeing a problem here...

Bonuses? We cut out bonuses? How’d you get a bonus?

Businesses have no right to appropriate quotes from civil rights or humanitarian leaders in order to pump up their brand or sell more products. People died for human rights, not to sell products. It is just fundamentally inappropriate to the point of being simply disgusting.

My friends and I are all familiar with “late King.” This ad had us shocked. And we have withstood smaller ad shocks before (like Bob Dylan allowing his first great song to be used in a Price Waterhouse Cooper ad in 1994 - possibly also a Super Bowl ad). This is 1968 King, exactly four months before he was


People like you just completely baffle me. Your takes on things are so sour, so smugly grotesque...I’ve been in two MFA programs and I have NEVER met an artist so up their own ass as your most casual fanboy.

Just plain, simple Gambi.

Dr. Jekel meet Mr. Hyde

No Danger Here

Radwood 2 looked like a good neon time full of the old cars we actually care about. If you were stuck at home, you

Tebow’s NFL highlights should be more than sufficient to counter the idea of white supremacy.

I will be driving that next week! Jalopnik Review coming shortly after.

Oh no, force me to spend $6 and be treated to unlimited shitty, delicious mac & cheese pizza. Fuck you, fuck all of you. Cici’s rules.

I had no idea Sean Astin would end up looking and sounding almost exactly like Patton Oswalt.

I feel like the hood flapping up prevented this from being a lot worse than it was.

That’s the good thing about being Luke Cage, in addition to having an Excellent Halloween he’ll also have a Sweet Christmas.

You must be new here.

Unfortunately it’s powered by diesel and has 3 open recalls on it.

Why, thank you.