WRT Valhalla:
WRT Valhalla:
Some men just want to watch the world burn, I guess...
Yeah, some dude named Henry trademarked Model T a few years back... really harshed Musk’s vibe.
Neutral: Pretty sure that Rivian truck will be the first electric truck to make it to market, unless Elon’s got a prototype Tesla Model Q (or whatever) hidden in his Boring tunnel, ready to drop on some unsuspecting auto show.
Adam Silver’s about to be living in his bank account... stand by for fines.
Nope. I quit. I can hardly handle North Carolina traffic on a regular weekday.
Hey, David Tracy, we found you a Jeep-lovin’ girlfriend...
My 2013 BMW X1 is the first car I’ve owned that I don’t have a Haynes manual for, largely because I don’t trust myself to wrench on it.
I really and truly hope you’re joking, because this is not even remotely close to goaltending... as long as the ball is still on the upward part of its arc, it is a block, plain and simple. It is not until after the ball has reached the apex of its arc and is headed downward that it becomes goaltending.
Diesel? That thing doesn't run on diesel. It's fueled by the consumed souls of the innocent.
Jesus Christ, the pelican swallowed that pigeon whole. That's some savage shit.
As a long suffering Suns fan, all I can say is that this comment deserves WAY more stars than it has.
You mean the Mach One and the Blazer?
I saw a brand new Eclipse Cross on the road this morning.
Your BMW has exactly what my X1 has. No infotainment of any sort except for when I put my Galaxy Tab in the dash mount for navigation on long trips. It’s wonderful.
My 2013 BMW has precisely zero touchscreen interfaces. It's wonderful.
You are absolutely correct. These billboards, and the shitshow complex they represent, are the worst part of going down to the beach with my wife.
30 other NFL owners. The Packers are still a publicly owned team.
I was loaned to the Coast Guard for one tour of duty, and let me tell you, that’s a collection of people I would absolutely not want irritated with me.
‘97 BMW with electrical problems and a check engine light?