Kim can have babies on her own no problem. It’s just once they’re in her body, they make her want to die and vomit. She reacted that way because her 20 year old sister was knocked up by some guy she had been dating for appx 4 minutes.
Kim can have babies on her own no problem. It’s just once they’re in her body, they make her want to die and vomit. She reacted that way because her 20 year old sister was knocked up by some guy she had been dating for appx 4 minutes.
This is a little out there, but Rick and Morty fans remind me of the early rise of “internet atheism” which isn’t really a belief in atheism but more so an attempt to cling to something that makes themselves feel smart.
I’m reaching, sure, but so are R&M fans.
She commenced with “reclaiming my time.” So apt in so many ways.
That’s a pretty good point. There was a time when the only non-competitive reality shows with any buzz were The Obournes and The Anna Nicole Show (the Osbournes were in on the joke; Anna, not so much). Perhaps Sharon resents that the Kardashians were able to make an empire.
After Get Out, I’ve faith in everything Jordan does. Don’t know about the name though
Loved Stellan in ‘River’, BBC TV. He was brilliant, as was Nicola Walker.
I’m not surprised Margot Robbie didn’t know anything about Tonya Harding. Figure skating is not a big sport in Australia and depending on the discipline winning the Australian championships can often just mean showing up and skating because there is no one else competing against you.
My brain, upon reading your comment: Piers Morgan wrote a book that has pedophilia in it? Seems legit.
Advice from someone who thinks The Secret is real, y’all. And therefore believes in the Just World fallacy and that people earn their own unhappiness through “negative energy” or some fuckery.
“The universe receives the message”???????
LW No. 1 - The advice Jane gave is good. When you talk to people they want to give you all their opinions about how their separation went. They want to salt and burn bc they have been burnt before. But, when you listen to these people with a grain of salt bc god bless they don’t know shit.
My dude, why did you start paying the bills for someone who (allegedly) lives with their parent?? I was 21 when I started dating my now husband when he was in his mid 30s. I wouldn’t even let him chip in for dog food until we were nearly 2 years in. It is was very important to me that I be completely independent…
Soooo, what does bragging in the Jezebel comment section about how little you mention your relationship at Facebook say about you?
Eh, I'm not even on Facebook... I guess my 9 year relationship (2 of them married) is also non existent? My husband will be so disappointed our love isn't "real".
I sent my boyfriend a picture of two plastic deer humping that said 'Shit bitch, you is fine'. We're not exactly romantic in the traditional way. And we don't post things on our birthdays or anything either, which is funny because I've had other people bring that up. My bf didn't say anything about my birthday on…
Whatevs. Last week I went outside, walked to bus stop, bus pulled up with no waiting. I got off that bus, walked to transfer bus stop, bus pulled up with no waiting.
But if you don't brag about him on Facebook does he really even exist?