
I’m so sorry. Fellow Michigander. <3

She’d be so mad that Abbi didn’t choose her

Ahh. Okay. You win. Goal has been accomplished.

I really have no idea what you’re going on about. You could tell me *YOUR* views and we could discuss our differing opinions, but instead you’re just kind of yelling mistaken ideas about my beliefs at me. I’m not sure what your goal is for this conversation.  

How convenient for me that I’m not running for office? I guess... And my SO is regularly subjected to abuse because he is outspoken about various political issues. That’s a risk he takes. I don’t. I work behind the scenes because I don’t want to be harassed or threatened.

If I was a public figure who was actively trying to restrict people’s rights, I’d say I’d have it coming to me.

True to form, Kevin does not look psyched.

Spot (AKA the voice of Littlefoot in Land Before Time) definitely caused an awakening in lil prebucesent Alice.

I had like 3 sips of a beer after work with a coworker and was bouncing off the fucking walls.

I just keep telling people I’m drunk. It’s super annoying.

Omg. I had totally forgotten my cousin almost died of this a few years ago after a routine exam.

I thought she had an intestinal obstruction

Jokes won’t solve anything, but laughing makes me able to get through the day without having a rage stroke.

Claire! Not sure what the best way to ask this is, but: We buy most of our meals out and I'm finding cooking at home to be a bit intimidating to start. What would you say are the basics one would ideally have in their kitchen and/or pantry? Additionally, what utensils/cookware, etc. do you find essential? I'd love you

Ha! Yeah, I’d be pissed is ANY man did it... But not someone that I’m in love with and has respect for me and with whom I’ve essentially established consent with.*

I do not know why this comment isn't better appreciated.

I love David Niven!

A steamer?

I grew up folding shirts in this same manner by hand. Is that unusual? I keep seeing these boards being touted but it just takes a few shakes and hand motions.