
How could you forget that?!

How amazed was I that this Awkwafina is a real person.

My boyfriend tries the “I don’t know how...” We’ve been together 8 years. I remind him that I did not find him naked and starving in a ditch, although his fridge did contain only empty cases of beer when we met.

Maybe I just have dads that don't sexualize kids, but I don't think lips are innately sexual nor is a peck.

Ha! I thought I was nuts. I was trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, that it was a stylistic choice... But why would it be?

*uncrinkles dixie cup*

How old are these girls? That doesn’t horrify me if it’s a peck.

Don't feed the trolls.

Do it!!

No chance of taking her position? Or no interest?

Your obtuseness is enraging.

This is not this complicated.

You've literally never spilled a hot beverage in your life? Is this performance art? Did I just get trolled?

How the fuck else do you make small talk?!

It was between 180-199 degrees Fahrenheit. How would someone reasonably expect their coffee would be that hot?

You’ve clearly done your research. I’m surprised seeing an old woman’s crotch covered in third-degree burns wasn't enough to sway you.

That's Bojack the horse; don't act like you don't know.

Late to the party, but I wanted to say “No! That’s not bad!” Many people wouldn't make the effort to figure out what is upsetting them, let alone communicate it to your partner. It takes me a while to unravel what the cause of my negative feelings might be because I am not great at introspection while my heart rate is

Creativity has no bounds. That's a sweet setup!

I think you *could* do that. I used to call it a study party when my friends and I did homework together. There aren't really any rules.