
Now, now. They can’t have us silly, emotional womens taking about something so serious. We might actually feel some sympathy for someone or agree that maybe it isn’t a baby from the moment you turn off the Tonight Show.

“The rectum is an exit, not an entrance”

But, but......
how much more fun does a *BLONDE woman with a gun* have?

Dear Pink Repblican Gun Ladies.

I’m not going to buy a refurbished Dyson fan from Amazon, stop selling used merchandise.

I’m not going to buy a refurbished Dyson fan from Amazon, stop selling used merchandise.

The point in my life where I feel so old I have absolutely no idea who this is someone change my bedpan please.

what, the Cheddar Bey Biscuits?

Plot twist:

Saturday’s debate, specifically Cruz trying to make up shit about how unprecedented it is for Obama to try to appoint a replacement.

My personal revenge fantasy involves them stalling, the democrats getting the white house and either Hillary or Bern nominating Obama for the position.

Here’s the thing, journalists could actually do their damn job and fact check republicans when they make claims that there is no precedent that a president in his last year in office gets to nominate a supreme court candidate, instead of asking the question like it’s a legitimate idea. I am sick and tired of

“Your job doesn’t stop until you’re voted out, or until your term expires,” Obama said of the Senate,

And people wonder why the country is so fucked.

A presidential campaign in now about 2 years long...and mid-terms...its as if after winning the election you have 6 months to get something done before everything must stop for midterms then about a 2-3 month gap and onto the next presidential election.

its taking all my willpower to not lick the screen <3

Well that’s no fun. Enforcing Gods will for others, now that’s what old white men are here for

I try not to judge other parents, cause parenting is hard. But if you put your kid in conversion therapy I judge you. You are a shit parent.

One time there was a trending twitter hashtag that was like “political sitcoms” or something and I came up with “Gillibrand’s Island” and I just feel like the internet has never given me enough credit.

No. This is a pantsuit.