
Please let this be for Brady what gambling was for Pete Rose.


It must have been an uplifting experience for them.

One of the cats at the shelter where I volunteer used to dive face first into another volunteer's bag because she knew the cat catcher was in there. Her back feet would wiggle in the air as she rifled through that bag in search of gold. You could get like 6 cats playing at once with one of those. Shelter cats are fun

Now these are really good Vines.

He wanted to try "Give it Away" but refuses to play with Flea.

I laughed really hard at the dog licking the bongoes before playing them for some reason

God I wish Freddie Mercury was still alive. Completely in a league of his own.

I'll go ahead and be the one to ask the awkward question on everyone's mind here: if you lose, does Kanye's mother go to hell?

Definitely not ok if it's not someone you're not already having sex with. Regular house guests just have to go in the bathroom if they need to take care of business.

There are people who think masturbation in a relationship constitutes cheating. Most of us refer to those people as "complete fucking lunatics."

Alright, but I'm taking the veal with me.

I was more hoping for an"horny old guy and plane full of hookers" flight.

I thought it was a wonderful piece, but I sincerely doubt that most good white people—or at least the good white people who run in my circles—believe that they "deserve a fucking prize." I think they're expressing empathy.

I am a good white person. ... And do you know what? I don't see a need to apologize for it.

As a white person, I was wondering why the author didn't answer those questions, but then I realized that it's not their job to tell me how to be a decent human being. After all, it's not "positive behaviors" us good white people want to be congratulated for; we expect to be patted on the back for treating black

Not talk about it. You can just do the right thing without telling everyone. That's not only for issues of racism, it's also just a general rule. You shouldn't need positive reinforcement for being a decent person. Just be one.

Sounds about right. The best part of early in the day dinner that you are hosting is that you can just have a bunch of small plates throughout the day so you never *unintentionally* food coma.

What I'm most surprised by is how Vladimir Putin finds the time to referee. That guy is everywhere.