
Oh and how I regret saying anything about this Gawker item! And I wasn't being "proud" or "arrogant" as much as a bit stunned at the story of Jackie's attempt to retrieve her husband's parts; I don't consider commenting on Gawker a competitive sport.

I'm not offended by it, and it's not correcting me ... you may have thought it was common knowledge, but I didn't and neither did many of the commenters who were also unaware of the incident and what happened.

Okay, well then don't be a dick!


I had always hear and read she was trying to get out of the back seat of the limo before she got shot, so the scrambling-after-JKK's-brain-bits part was news to me...

The brain was reported to have disappeared for years, in some manner of metal cylinder, as it turned out, that Bobby Kennedy had taken.

Well the sex on Air Force One bit was news of different sort ... and I sure had never heard that before. Of course every other Gawker commenter has probably heard that one too, like the story about JFK's brain bits.

Sheesh.Well, not me, dude...

I got this from an author who was interviewed on one of the many news analysis programs on CNN or MSNBC ... meaning I didn't just pull this out of thin air.

I really didn't want to know this. It's almost as bad as learning that parts of JFK's head blew off into Jackie's face, a few inches away, and that when she went scrambling off the back of the limo, she was going after other parts of JFK's head, just in case the doctors at Parkland hospital could use them to fix him.

How much per shower-buggering does that work out, on average?

There are so many things I disagree with about this list that I can't fathom where to start. But let's start here. It's not "Green Jell-O with goddamn carrots in it." As anyone in the Midwest or Midwestern transplants to California knows, lime Jell-O is usually paired with canned Bartlett pear halves, with small-curd

Yes sir, it is, but the movie is anything but!

Pignolis are an absolute necessity for pesto, as much as the basil and cheese; please, no walnuts. Toasting them is probably preferred, but they burn really easily ... and I was down at Kalustyans on Lexington in Curry Hill (the best store in the world, it's at 28th St., I have no financial involvement with the place,

What else would you expect from a "No. 2 wide receiver" at a Kenny Chesney concert?

Is Dexter available to freelance this?