
I'm 31 this year, and as much as I dislike Micheal Bay, I refuse to be a part of this jaded community that will shit on every reboot because the reigning child-mind is locked in "the perfect era" of all things creative. The size of the turtles is a creative decision. They are still teenage, mutant and ninjas.

They're bipedal turtles. There's no way they can't be top heavy.

Get Jezebel off my iO9

Isn't it the second big exclusive? I'm not into the FPS scene, and I know Halo is more popular (and Titanfall has gotten more hype), but doesn't Killzone at least qualify as a "big exclusive" for PS4 all the same? It's sold over 2 million copies so far, which means a third of all PS4 owners bought it.

I'm waiting for a 360/XB1 comparison. I'm not upgrading for another year (and most likely switching to PS4) but if the 360 version graphics are shit I might have to pass on Titanfall entirely.

The series uses on-screen cues to indicate your health loss and allows for regeneration through absorption of energy sources around you.

As with most game previews, health in this one is either turned off or made incredibly easy. Game demoers often aren't very good.

...The one console it was made for?

I can't really watch right now, but doesn't this mean that the gun has to move independently of where the player is looking?

Really cause all last fucking gen would like to have a word with you then....You geniuses are funny, cry about Sony taking shots at Micro$oft when it's all M$ did last gen...Or did we forget about the cute shit like the UK launch of the PS3 when Micro$haft felt the need to pay a barge to sit with a light up sign that

I love my PS4 but man show some class

Yet, the industry will keep pushing it as a life changing experience because they can't figure out what the "next big thing" should be. Oh well.

A quick tip: If you click on the clock in the top right corner, you can pause and restructure all your routes without having any game time moving.

Quick, to the Ashens phone!

Well, I'm willing to grant the game is fun. But treating it like some kind of revolutionary experience the way this article does? Nope, can't go that far. It's a fun game that doesn't re-invent the wheel the way it's being sold as - it just brings a slighty new dynamic that's fun. I've had experiences as fun as

It looks like they just removed the touch screen to put the new buttons in place, without altering the form factor of the controller at all to really accomodate such a change.

So.. what does it have to do with xbox ? it's a separate tool only connected to xbox through hdmi, just as it could be connected to a tv or lcd screen or whatever. Clearly wireless here is damn slow and laggy.

Now playing

I see Microsoft is taking a leaf from Sony's playbook on batshit weird console adverts

“Will PSN games be part of the library for streaming and games that I've purchased digitally and got through PS+ be part of it without me needing to pay again for them?”

No and No.

Don't buy this game it's way too glitchy and it doesn't look like an update is coming anytime soon.