
If you like it that’s fine but equally others can say your choice is crap. I don’t get this whole “it’s my choice so piss off approach”. I appreciate you thoughts but it is mass produced rubbish. Something happens to brewers when the go big. Everads brewery went through this transition.

I love Anker. I always looks to see if they have an accessory before buying elsewhere. Solid brand  

I love Anker. I always looks to see if they have an accessory before buying elsewhere. Solid brand  

So White Supremacy is on the rise....... Time to start encouraging it? This isn’t really satirical, it is more “triggering” (or how I know it as trolling). Trolling does nothing to help the situation. This man is a moron

I do not think Starbucks cares.............You know what. I am starting to think it might be more entertaining to live in the same state of mind as these people.

Oh come on. This is clearly a one time event. It is a good tool to do a “last time on uncharted” or to get the fans more involved because they get to pick where they started/what was their favorite moment.

My, UK, experience is that tinder is full of spam, okcupid is full of weird profiles (arty/philosophical types) and match.com is fine except the only way to get a head is to pay extra to promote your page which also sucks since you really need to pay to use it anyway(you also get the same suggestions over and over

I have never been a big believer in stretching before a run (especially static stretching). But after pulling my hamstring finishing a marathon over 2 months ago it has now become useful in helping me complete longer runs (dynamic stretches just don’t do it). I know it goes against what everyone says but it has helped

I think that depends on what they do with the Joker. As long as he isn’t seen as a protagonist nor seen as a likeable character it should go down well.

You know what Sony has done which Nintendo should have done from the get go. They have made your phones/tablets work as a way to play your games. Screw the tablet. That was old news before it even arrived. They should make any device compatible. It would cut down on an unnecessary cost

Okay Assassin's Creed has officially lost it. Ubisoft just look at what Shadow of Mordor did and make your future games like that. Not this absurdity

It may just be me and the fact I moved away from Apple a year ago (so I could be biased) but this year's conference has been the worst in years. I thought last years was a misstep (thumb pad the "cheap" iphone) but that seemed a much better conference than this years (the watch is this year's biggest missteps in terms

It does look awful. Apple is usually design first but the design seems to have been ignored this time around (though I am not a fan of smart watches in general)

Not really. Sony wants to push their phone range. Making this exclusive does that (remember the PS4 is very popular). For the meantime it is important for Sony to push this on their devices as it will increase that brand recognition (which Sony would profit from) than making it widely available

That is the point. Sony wants apart of Samsung's decrease in popularity. They want to be the it phone. Come on the PS4 is a huge success and very popular. This move could make the Xperia vastly more popular. The Xperia line is good it just suffers from a lack of image. This is their in road

That pretty much screws the convenience my teacher training we're talking about last year (primary school teacher here)

Firstly, I hate pending comments since it stunts discussion (a reason why I tend to avoid commenting a lot on this site). It was a godsend when they got rid of it. I find people avoid the pending stuff and those pending comments aren't that regularly approved (it really should be a filter for spam and trolls). It is

Serious notes should be taken from this debacle. It shouldn't have happened in the first place (I can't believe it did) but this is better.

There is so much insanity behind this story. Guy launches an attack. Different guy claims credit which then escalates to a bomb hoax and some claims to Isis (which is definitely trolling since they call themselves is now) Original attacker (note I use attacker because he is no hacker) tries to get back at person who

Why is this a shock. Someone please tell me the current market share of the PS4. It is stupidly high. I have a Vita but it would be reckless for Sony to shift resources away from this to try and help the Vita. It has games those gamers should be happy.